Why Was The U.s. Ambassador Summoned?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Don Alaska, Jul 5, 2024 at 4:21 AM.

  1. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I heard a political analyst state that the interaction reported below was one step short of Russia declaring war on the U.S. and it was poorly reported because the government does not want to know the dangers we are in. I have no way to know for sure what was said or what it means, but the only real report I could find is linked below if anyone is interested. We have had 4 munitions plants explode and burn in the West in recent weeks. Could they be linked to this? The latest was the General Dynamics plant in Arkansas that makes Hellfire and other smart missiles as well as smart artillery shells.


    Here is the report of the explosion and fire at the munitions plant in Camden, Arkansas. At 880,000 square feet, it is a big facility.

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  2. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Certainly a cause for alarm Don.

    That said, I was listening to some comments made by Putin at a recent press conference concerning the upcoming elections here in the United States.
    In short, he told the reporters that Donald Trump said that he could end the war in Ukraine but didn’t say how he could do it.
    Further, if Trump succeeds in becoming the next President and he does have a plan to end the war that he and his country would support it.

    Now, I’m not too sure if we can take Putin’s stated stance as gospel truth but listening to him make a statement like that sans any sabre rattling was a relatively good piece of news.
    The curious part to me is the question of why did Putin summon a U.S. Ambassador when he has a direct line to the Oval Office and whomever is running this country?
    And, he has known from the start who is supplying money and weapons to Ukraine so other than knowing that our leadership is very weak and can be bullied easily, why is he just now, 4 months before the elections getting antsy?

    Last edited: Jul 5, 2024 at 8:28 AM
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  3. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    He (Putin) has apparently decided to call the U.S. on supplying the weapons to Ukraine that are being used to kill large numbers of civilians in Russia, as well as attack their critical infrastructure. As Ukraine continues to lose, the U.S. and the rest of NATO proceed to up the ante and will apparently continue to do so up to and including the use of nuclear weapons. The commentator said, "Is it really worthwhile to burn down the entire world for a few provinces in eastern Ukraine?" There may be more at stake her thna we know of course, as many have claimed we have more of those experimental labs in Ukraine as we had in China developing new and more terrible diseases. Putin is not and never has been a good guy, but NATO, i.e. the U.S., seems to be the bad guy in all this.

    I think he went through conventional diplomatic channels to ensure others in the foreign service know what is at stake. Putin doesn't know what or who will respond to the veiled threat, and he knows that whoever is behind the Biden front may generate a response without informing the rest of the U.S. government. He knows that most of the top officials here have no business being where they are and are incapable of responding logically since they were chosen for their posts based on gender identity, race or other things other than competence and experience. Many in the foreign service below the ambassadors appointed by Biden have experience and knowledge, and Putin is relying on them to help keep the lid on things.

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