At age 84, We don't care what hapens in politics or what happens to the country. Life has been wonderful for jeanie and me, but I won't pretend to try to influence what the future may bring. My sons and their families have the right to vote on the life that will be theirs 10,20, or 30 years from now. Much different in the early days, when I was deeply involved in a different life. Selfish? Perhaps. 20 years in military service, dozens upon dozens of active groups... 10 yrs volunteer in the SBA, 25 years in Scouts, 30 years of food pantry, homeless shelters and community volunteering of more kinds than I can remember. Much came back to us, in satisfaction, but overall very little in appreciation. Mostly, like other volunteers, it's what you were expected to do. An so now, in the final years... a bit of selfishness. No apologies , no complaints. We'll just sit back and watch the world go by... A lot we don't like... Politics we disagree with, and a little cringe when we see how many $$$ go to the 1/10 of 1%. Sobeit. We'll let the rest of the 330 million population make their decision.
Truthfully, getting all upset over everything is bad for our health. Everytime I feel myself getting annoyed at politics, people, family, etc. I ask myself is it really worth a stroke? Most of it just isn't. That was a lovely post @Tom Young
I went through that today, and I have learned from a compatriot on here, why it is all for naught. Ignore those posts.
I don't agree with everything in your post, Tom, because I think one should care, but I do think at some point it may be time to let the younger people determine their own futures.
I do my caring by praying for my adult children to have wisdom and discernment when voting, etc. I also pray that God's will shall be done on this Earth.