Won't That Be Funny

Discussion in 'Reading & Writing' started by Bill Boggs, Nov 19, 2018.

  1. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    “Won’t that be funny” he asked?

    *Rascal said that casual like while he shined my shoes on the raised shoe shine chair just outside the barber shop door.*

    “They come home and gets their feet wet, right off. They step in their front door and slush, their feet shoes and all, come up to the ankle in cold salty ocean water. Surprise, surprise their tv says to them when they turn it on. Your ocean is rising.”

    *Glory be, Rascal. Where you get a notion like that.*

    “Well, George, everybody knows it. They’ve been talking it up for ever more. Even the homeless wonder where they going to sleep when it happens. Now it’s here, it’s happened. The oceans are rising because of global warming and here it is, cold as a refrigerated cucumber.”

    “You suppose them docks up in New York are under water. I’ll bet them long shore men are out of work, them short ones, too.”

    *What are we going to do about it, Rascal?*

    “The sensible thing, George, is go east, move to higher ground.”

    “Wonder do all them oceans rise at the same time?” “If they do, them Indonesians and Australians, and Alaskaners are in for a great surprise. Won’t that be funny, George? All them scientificers and oceanographers being right and all of us being wrong. Won’t that be funny?”

    *Yeah, that’s real funny, Rascal, but it’s a long hike to Denver.*
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