Oh but Denise, Trump's star he left in Hollywood's walk of fame now with its own art of spray paint, dirt, spits of saliva and some say even feces were on it. I guess the tee pee can do as a replacement.
Oh well, maybe we'll some designer tee pee this time if the Clintons can have that nude art just like how Trump had his. On the real side and issue of it all, I just hope and wish campaign propaganda like this will stop for it will really just be a waste of time for people to see and know these instead of what lies in the future if Trump or Clinton will be the one to lead America in the future.
Actually I meant to give a Star to Shirley for funniest reply That's really classy, some folks just have too much time on their hands. 'course what else can you expect from Hollyweird
If Trump is elected, I do fear some ugliness happening from the haters...you know it will happen. Does anyone else think it a possibility?
It'll happen before he's elected, which doesn't mean it will stop after the election. Sites like the Huffington Post publish stuff like this because, despite the fact that most people will realize that this is not a real depiction of Donald Trump, it will still stick in their heads and make it easier for them not to take the man seriously.
I don't think we can escape ugliness/hating anymore Chrissy, it won't matter who is elected, I think there is going to be some hard things. I hope to escape anything horrific, but who really knows. Trump can't save us, he can help, I believe, but bottom line?? No one knows. We just got to put on our seat-belts and hang on, God only knows. My honest opinion right now, on Hillary, is, even if she were to be elected, she is going to self-destruct. That would leave us with Elizabeth Warren. It depends on who you are talking to. Both sides will stand by their candidate, and only come November will we know who takes the title. Even then, there are others who have so much control, that even a president can't do everything he/she wants to.
It's truly hard to believe people are like that. I've seen horrible depictions of Hillary, but I know she is just a woman, one I don't care for the way she thinks, or what she does, but still. That picture is ludicrous, and beyond ignorant. The person that painted it figured to score some money by doing it. I'm sure he might just do that. He could be one of the haters too, then we could go into a whole discussion on why do people "hate".
Whoever candidate media mongers like Huffington or other media outfits put on their covers, do remember that their PRIME objective was to SELL their ware! And caveat emptor will be what its readers will need to do. Ultimately, come November 2016, all eyes are on the American people on who they will choose to lead their pack. May God help us all. I include myself in the hoping and praying for in one way or another, me and the Philippines will somehow be affected on the fate of the USA in driving the global economy as a whole. Its a fact that I really cannot deny.
Yes, we are all inhabitants of planet Earth I so hope that we can hang onto our long-time allies, and may the good guys prevail, whoever they are, lol!! My best friend from way back is Phillipino, Elda Marie, raised on Maui. It's good to be on an international site so I can meet folks that live other places. Night here, well almost 8pm Amie, maybe see you tomorrow I second your sentiment, May God help us all denise
Yes, I think the world is watching this one extra carefully. Maybe it already happened when Obama was elected the first time since he would be the first Black President but I don't remember so much turmoil and hate and police being shot, etc. Seems everything is coming to a head soon. Hopefully it will go without too much violence.
I am likewise delighted to be here in this forum and sharing thoughts with you guys who were on the other side of Earth Good night Denise and its high noon right now in my place.
Nite Amie I think the best thing we have is each other. No matter how far away, we can now talk via internet, and it is a comfort to meet others that are just like us, feel the same thing (emotions like worry, fear, happiness, encouraged, discouraged). All that stuff I am sitting alone at 9:20pm but I don't feel alone at all because I get to write to you guys. Also the fact that my sweet neighbor Colleen, after standing in line for hours, just to get her phone set up, still came up to make sure I had some antihistamines since my allergies are causing me to break out in big welts(hives) LOL!! Nothing life threatening, but there she was @Chrissy Page and I have been talking about how neat it is to have people that live close-by that care about us, and we get to care about them. Anyway, the world can be so frightening, but I feel pretty good tonight, having my online friends, and offline We are blessed. See you all tomorrow, denise