If at sixty you were told that now no matter what you did in your life, you could no longer harm yourself or anyone else by your actions, what things would you do? With this boon comes the health to do whatever we would want. What things did you dream about, but never were able to achieve. If they took senior, I would like to join the peace Corp. I would love to go zip lining. Sky diving Travel over seas Hold more babies Run like the wind again And so much more. How many dreams would you try to fulfill if you had the chance?
I've been fortunate to travel abroad a lot and despite a few health issues I hope to continue , I'll be flying again at the end of this month to Southern Spain. Like you Ina, I've always wanted to zip line and sky dive despite my fear of heights... and I still haven't ruled it out. I can still run.. I can still dance... perhaps it's this...I'm very long sighted and for years they couldn't do eye laser surgery on such a high prescription as mine , and I was really frustrated that I couldn't have it done..now they can do it but now I'm scared at 61 that it might do more damage to my eyes than it might have when I was in my 30's or 40's....so if in your scenario I can come to no harm, then that's what I'd choose..
I've flown a lot and I think I'd like a train trip across the scenic route in the US. A train trip through Europe would also be nice. Spend winters where there is SNOW! Find more joy in life....simple pleasures are good enough for me, except maybe a fancy meal in an expensive restaurant. Get rid of back pain so I can crawl around and play with the little ones. I'm not a thrill seeker or dare devil so no bungee cord for me.
i am right with you on all of these, @Chrissy Page .......... Except for spending the wnter in SNOW ! ! But the train trip across the country on the scenic route is something I have also longed to be able to do. Robin brought me out from Idaho to Newport News, Virginia when she was stationed at Ft. Eustis, and I went on the train all of the way there and back home again. I LOVED it ! ! I went up to the Vista Dome (observation car) and could see everything in front and behind the train, and loved looking at all of the different scenery as I went across the United States. I hated to sleep and miss any of it , it was so awesome ! ! They also have the route that goes up through the Canadian Rockies, as well as one (forget the name) that goes down the West Coast along the ocean. You can schedule a trip for the length of time you want to travel and then go anywhere during that timeframe, stopping whenever there is something you want to spend time at. Plus, Senior discount fare. I would go for 3 weeks, and see every place there is to see in America ! !
I'll have to put this on my bucket list...twice. I would love to do it once in winter or maybe a fall trip that goes through some areas that might see snow in late fall. We are talking about my moving to my daughter's house. She said I would save my whole widow's benefit check that way. My room has a huge smart TV with the premium package and I wouldn't even have to pay for it. Plus no utilities or rent or food. I asked her what I would do with my money...she said "travel". Might not be such a bad idea moving there. I also wouldn't have to worry about my house while away.
Snow out the window of the train is fine with me. When I went through GlacierPark, there was still snow up in the mountains there, and looking at snow is MUCH better than wading through it knee-deep and shoveling out of the driveway every day. I used to take my little Mazda pickup and drive up and down my driveway every half hour, all night, as long as I could stay awake; so that I would be able to get out the next morning after the snow storm, and go to work. Sometimes, I just had to park out on the road, and then slog through the snow up to the trailer in the dark because there was too much snow to get the truck up the driveway. I think that a fall trip would be beautiful also, and you would get to see all of the fall color, plus the snow when you went through the mountains. Since you like snow, you might enjoy an Alaskan cruise like Robin went on, too, Chrissy. The scenery was awesome, the food was delicious, and she said she had a great time. Of course, she also went white-water rafting and zip-lining; but that part was not necessary to do. Here she is , ready to go rafting in Alaska.
Great pic! I would pass on the rafting though my son and DIL did that last year on a trip to Colorado with some friends. Think it was their first time and they said it was fun and not as scary (except for a few spots) as you'd think. I know quite a few people that have done Alaskan cruises and all more than once because it's their favorite cruise. Well all this is doable if I move in with my daughter. My spirits are starting to lift...yay. I get what you're saying about snow...I've lived in Chicago and places where we'd get a lot. Digging out and slipping and sliding with your car is not fun but the romantic image of a log cabin in the woods and a fireplace and snow all around is.
@Joe Riley Ouch! Shoulda seen THAT one coming! Hopefully, my present CEL luck would remain behind, when I took the controls! Frank
I would buy a motorcycle and a violin. Would learn to play as many old and fast fiddle tunes as I could. Then, ride about the countryside on my bike, stopping at small town bars and playing for drinks, food and any cash I could earn. Always thought that would be a fun way to spend summers.
To get things rolling along... I would go to Pamplona, put on the Faja and bandana, have a glass of wine, then 'Run with the Bulls'.