Maybe we need a Not In The News section for those issues that should be in the news, but are suppressed by the politically correct liberal media. I've seen some of these incidents before, because I seek out non-mainstream media, and also follow news of this sort. I wanted to share this here, in case anyone is unaware that these types of attacks are occurring.
I looked this man up and he knows his subject that's for sure. He also went to the University of Fresno for a few years. Also, I'm one that believes not all muslims are bad nor do all muslims believe the same as the extremists. It's just like my being Catholic but not a very good one and really not believing the bible except it being written by man to set laws and morals. Anyway, that's not my point. My point is that the liberals see all muslims as equal and don't seem to worry about how evil and treacherous they can be and see coming into a country as refugees as the perfect opportunity. We have enough problems with our own people, I don't think we should bend over backwards to help those that hate us anyway. You can be kind and compassionate but that doesn't mean being a sucker.
Yes, I recognized his name from other things I've read. I follow a lot like him on Twitter and also Facebook, since the groups we call the media edit the information shared to promote a particular viewpoint. There are a lot of people like him that speak out, and are well respected, despite not being widely known by the public. They endanger themselves in the process, so I have great respect for them.
It may not be in the mainstream news, but if you can provide a link, you may list it in the news section.
"showed the number of refugees the Obama administration has welcomed since the start of 2015 is far skewed in favor of Muslim refugees: Syria: 5,435 Muslims; 28 Christians; Iraq: 11,086 Muslims; 433 Christians." Now, this couldn't possibly be related to the fact that those countries are predominantly Muslim, could it? Frank
Pardon my being poetic but we can feel the changing of the season - Muslims are growing fast in terms of number and China is slowly gaining control of the world's economy. I may not be so accurate in that pronouncement but that's how I understand what's currently happening. Our country is predominantly Catholic and I remember in school, the statistics said that Catholics are more than 90% of the population but now the numbers are chipped off to maybe less than 80% and still going down.
@Corie Henson I was brought up by my parents to always respect the difference between right and wrong, neglecting the arguments posed by religious zealots of any kind. Thus, it was wrong to lie, steal, inflict harm, and I always felt bound to such existence. In adulthood, I learned the meaning of "kill the infidels", which ran contrary to my up-bringing. The various large religious sects, Catholicism included, historically practiced some of the most barbarous activity in the name of "God" imaginable. Because of that fact, when I grew up and adjusted to being an adult, I formed the opinion that I should remain always loyal to my own Mother's dictate: don't lie, or steal, or inflict harm, help others when necessary, don't ever attempt to imply your own beliefs subordinate those of others. I have always tried to live up to her orders, because I loved, respected, and believed in her. I fervently believe now, in my final time of existence, that I did my best to obey her. She was raised Catholic, my Dad raised as (probably) agnostic, my own youth neither driven nor discouraged from benevolence towards religion, I was allowed, actually encouraged, by them to seek my own way. Frank
Same here, @Frank Sanoica, I studied in a Catholic school from grade school until college and my orientation is more of kindness than indifference towards other religion. My point in my previous comment is the paradigm shift that we are experiencing. Would you believe that I have seen a Muslim woman only in my adult life? We used to call them Moro and we have seen them only in pictures in the textbook. Now we have 2 national holidays in honor of the Muslims here. I also subscribe to what @Chrissy Page said that not all Muslims are bad like saying that not all Christians are good. It's always a variety when it comes to followers of any religion.
Yes, they are predominantly Muslim Frank, but the ones primarily being targeted are Christian and other non-Muslims. There are some Muslims who are also under attack, but if you notice, when there are attacks, they have been asking which among the victims are Muslim, and aren't differentiating among the different types of Muslims. Those who aren't familiar with the koran and claiming to be muslim are targeted, the others are usually let go. There's a difference between violence hundreds/thousands of years ago and that being perpetrated now. The world has changed, and most of us have moved on from stoning, hanging, beheading, putting people in cages and setting them on fire, tossing people off buildings, etc.
I was somewhat surprised to see this from the Wall Street Journal. It's an article about how the United Nations and the United States have abandoned Christian refugees. It's a good read, and I would think the Wall Street Journal would be an accepted source even for those who claim most stating this are right wingers.