Here's a scenario that might sound familiar. This guy is in the United States on a temporary Visa from an Islamic country. He attends flight school, then crashes his plane into a U.S. city. It doesn't say, but I can't help but wonder if he was a Muslim, by any chance, or if he was saying anything in particular as the plane was coming down. Surely, it couldn't be an act of terrorism or the liberal media wouldn't still be talking about something Trump said eleven years ago.
I generally watch the early morning Fox news, but I didn't hear of this this morning. Makes me wonder, why not? I would have thought it to be big news.
This may not be true, although I think it is. The Daily Caller normally has accurate news, and often before the mainstream media - although, because they are quick to post it, it is possible that they were wrong.. When posted on Facebook, a photo of a crashed plane appears, which is not in the artcle, and that photo is from some other crash. Even the mainstream media has used photos that are not actually from the news article being covered, as in one case that I posted in this forum, where the New York Times used a photo from the streets of New York in an article that was supposed to represent an anti-Trump protest in Arizona. However, like everything else you read, don't blindly accept it as truth. If it's true, the mainstream media will report it eventually, after they have found a way to make it sound like it was Trump's fault. Otherwise, we may assume that it is not, and I apologize for posting it. So if it turns out to be true, you heard it first here. Otherwise, oh well. It's not the first or the last news article we'll read that was wrong.
East Hartford, CT was the crash site. Very close to Pratt & Whitney, a company that makes jet engines for our military.
Here is the Fox News update on this, and they have turned the investigation over to the FBI because they think that the student pilot might have been trying to crash into the Pratt and Whitney complex. The pilot that was with the student pilot did survive and is in critical condition, but did say that the crash was intentional.
That scenario of a suicide pilot can happen anywhere but I'm glad that our country is not in the high priority list as a target. But no one can be safe when the real jihad begins. I have this feeling that Islamic extremists are like Hitler who had wanted to annihilate the Jews for his own reasons. Now these Islamic extremists has that slogan - kill the infidels or something like that. The infidels are those who don't subscribe to their religious belief. Isn't it scary? But life is always precarious, you don't know how it will end and that thought is consolation enough.