What about not voting at all, waiting for the outcome, and then simply being disgusted with whatever it is? Frank
If only the American presidential candidates and their mobsters could see what childish idiots they look to the rest of the world. most of the the rest of us would prefer to just smack their arses and send them to bed, and get the grown ups to come out of hiding and start governing the country nicely!! If it wasn't so damn serious it would be a very funny comedy film...
You know what when I get too many things political on my facebook I click hide this post by putting my pointer on the little arrow on the right side top of the page of post and hide it. I like positive and helpful things so people can get help or give a little smile like a cat or kitten post so you can be a bit happier for a few seconds. You see one political year and in a couple of years you'll see another political year. No sense getting heartburn or heart attack about it I figure, so being able to vote, is great. On The View every morning we get to see and hear the latest about the Presidential vote and can tweet about it. Whom ever we vote for we'll do a good job voting.
I gave up Facebook a couple of years back when I discovered friends of friends could comment on your timeline. Cheek
i do very little on FB anymore, scroll through to see any pics of family and that's about it. I have quit even liking most posts. Tempted to delete it but I also have a few friends in Hungary and would miss Some of their posts.
I did miss it initially because if my friends and ex colleagues back in the UK but tend to Whatsapp now. You can do group discussions too.
I don't really talk too much with any of the Hungarian friends and distant relatives as much as look at their posts. One person I occasionally message and it wears me out to type in Hungarian. I do use the Hungarian keyboard but I'm not that good at writing or reading Hungarian so I wouldn't be chatting too much anyway. I don't even know what relation these distant relatives are. My mother's cousin's daughters.