Always needed a few drinks to get kick started. I don't like parties much. If I'm sober, no one lets me talk. Guess I'm not loud and rude enough. Someone will come over and say "How'd ya like that game yesterday"? I'll say something like, "Well, i'm a fan of-- ". Someone else comes up, says to the other guy, "hey Jim, wanna go fishing tomorrow"? They both walk away talking about fishing. A few drinks changes things though. These days, I can't drink and don't party.
Funny, some Seniors would say that we live a boring life. Well, if "boring" means not going on Cruises all the time, hitting Vegas a number of times during the year, having House Parties or having a motorhome and traveling all over the U.S., I guess we do live a boring life. One thing for sure, we don't live the really active life we did in Colorado. Was much more for us to do in Colorado than here. Plus, owning a boat is an expense. Lots of fun, but can be expensive for repairs.