Is thumbs up something naughty in the U.K.? Also, I write UK and it always changes it to U.K. So not sure which is correct but just live with it. I have enough corrections to make as it is....seems my words run together, a letter is missing...lots of errors lately None of which are my fault. Oh....forgot "fanny, that's a different meaning.
Thumbs up is good in the UK has been for many a long year, I give the sign often If its changed (like bad meaning good) I don't know about it and I won't change me ways anyway
Thumbs up is Good in the UK @Tim Burr it means well done, or good.... @Chrissy Page it the UK..without a period in the middle
It's funny how such things work. I have noticed that my spellchecker now tells me that I am wrong when I add periods to the abbreviation for the United States -- U.S. telling me that is is more commonly used without the periods -- US
@Holly Saunders, yes, I know it's the United Kingdom and I've always written it UK but it always autocorrects to U.K. Pain in the B. U.T. T. If you see me writing it U.K. ....I do know the right way, I just didn't catch it because I'm lazy and seldom proofread. I do edit after the fact but only if it's really obvious.
I do know that,'s funny though that here it's a nice way of saying a woman's butt or a name of a type of purse...fanny pack.
Fanny by Gaslight (film) - Wikipedia Its an old film Chrissy Fanny is just a 'name' to me, no other meaning
I do appreciate it. I was busy with other stuff yesterday and plain forgot. I was thinking it was next Monday.