@Honey Gee - Ah, you've seen your total now - good eh Yes much better today Honey - time for me to settle down for the night, bit of TV x
Well, of course you don't have to follow them back, but of course that would be the polite thing to do . I did, to see if anything changed, but maybe I use the site differently than others. I think I saw someone mention before that you could see activity of those you follow in a particular way or place, but I'm so scattered that I haven't noticed anything like that. Some who had been following me, who I followed back, don't post here much nowadays, though, so perhaps that's why I'm not seeing anything special.
Well I follow the people I like 'naturally' - I post on threads I can contribute to and my guys are usually there So, I don't refer to profiles for that reason
I basically reply everywhere....maybe Chrissy Chatterbox would have been more appropriate. I see I've gotten more like per day than anticipated...maybe hinting or begging helped. Anyway, I only need 332 more to hit the jackpot!
@Diane Lane I didn't realise at first you had to like posts and was a slow starter. Hope I am forgiven x
I just discovered, or finally looked into that list of posts on the far right?? I realized I could open those and like them, and comment. I didn't look to see where they show up but I think it's on the person's profile page. I'll go look now
She's just talking about the "likes" right below a persons post, way over on the right, in blue. If you like what someone says, it gives them a point if you hit the "like". You can also "quote" a persons post in your "reply" and multi quote is cool too, you just go down and hit several persons posts, and on the last one, hit reply and you'll get something like this (nice for when you want to do one "reply" to several comments, instead of individual comments to each). I can comment here.. I can comment here.. I can comment here.. I can comment here.. I can comment here.. I can comment here.. I can comment here.. and here..Denise
You don't have to "like" anyone's posts, it's just if you want to Honey Wanted to be sure you knew that. I'm still learning stuff on the site and I've been here a long time. Then, when we've learned it all, @Ken Anderson will change it cause he doesn't want us getting bored, LMBO!! Right @Ken Anderson But don't forget what CC said, she wants something for her points, so if we earn so many points, the @Ken Anderson has promised us a pony, LOL!!
Ha ha ! @Denise Happyfeet That's what I meant - you don't 'have' to like a post I only like - when I like
you mean I did all that work for nuttin !! Wow, and even "liked" your post, LOL!! Ok, I see though seriously, what you meant now