@Honey Gee , I too have always wondered how the these islands got their name. Would you by chance know how they acquired the name?
That little outdoor, red table reminded me of the movie "Shirley Valentine" from 1989. I think she was from England in the movie, and if you haven't ever seen this movie, its wonderful, more real-life than not I think she was in Greece though, on a vacation in the movie. Still this place looks like where she was
I put it on Facebook, but first, my sis had to to see it Thanks again, so much @Honey Gee I can say I traveled to the Canary Islands today
I asked too @Ina I. Wonder I always want to know about names of places. Anyone ever hear of Toad Suck Arkansas? Maybe we'll leave that one alone, LMBO!!
@Gary Ride out yes if the coast if Africa belongings to the Spanish @Ina I. Wonder I am not sure so don't quote me. Think it is the love of the Canary bird x
From what I have read, the name actually has nothing to do with the bird we call the canary. Apparently, there were large wild dogs on at least one of the larger islands, and since dogs are canines, the island was basically named island of dogs, or something along that line. One possibility is that there were a lot of seals, which the sailors called "sea dogs", and that might be where the odd name came from. In either case, it was named that because of dogs being canines, and nothing to do with birds named canaries.
Thanks for that Yvonne. Yes I did look it up after on Wiki. I thought the canary bird initially as the Canarians do seem to like them and keep them as pets. Thanks for looking though x
Hi @Ina I. Wonder I had read the early stuff but it didn't enter my head about the Canary part. I just assumed. It's nice though that Yvonne did the research x
Very pretty pictures, thanks so much for sharing @Honey Gee. I'd been meaning to ask where you live. I'm glad it sounds as if your move has gone smoothly and you're getting settled in at the new place.