
Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Brittany Houser, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. Janie McCon

    Janie McCon Veteran Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    I am from Oregon west coast they have Fred Meyer they use Kroger brands there. I can try Health store in another town if I have to. Also I drive to visit friend in another town sometimes then I can go to Whole Foods store there if I need to. thanks
  2. Janie McCon

    Janie McCon Veteran Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    @Yvonne Smith I went to a small co-op store bought some raw pumpkin seeds, so how much it's ok a day to eat?
    also they have 3 different brands of aloe vera juice I bought small one. the gallon one was too big but will have 32 oz next week. The small jar has 1% lemon so I don't know if that's good idea for the eyes I just may drink it till
    I get 32 oz the brand name is 100% Fractionally Distilled From Aloe Vera Leaves
    • No Preservatives
    • Long Shelf Life
    • Pleasant Taste
    • Satisfaction Guaranteed
    Have you heard of this? looks ok to me? you may read on FAQ online see what u think of the answers.
  3. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I am no expert on pumpkin seeds, @Janie McCon ; but here is a webpage that gives a little more information about the nutritional value of pumpkins and their seeds, and it looks like they recommend about 1/4 cup per day for the best benefits.

    I wish I remembered about which aloe vera that I used for my little dog when she had the blindness; but that was a long time ago. I used to have a little book that told all about using aloe vera for health benefits; but that was long since lost in one of my many moves as well.

    I think that having lemon in the aloe would not be good to put in your eyes. Maybe if you explain what you want to use it for, the people at the health food store can recommend what is best for you to use ?
    I just looked online, and apparently, you can also buy aloe vera drops that are especially for your eyes. Other people recommended just using the pure juice like I did with Betty (my Poodle), and some said to dilute it with distilled water in equal amounts first.
    I would suggest that you look online, or ask at the health fod store before putting any of the aloe vera into your eyes; just to be sure that you are getting something that is pure and doesn't hurt your eyes.
    Ina I. Wonder likes this.
  4. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    @Janie McCon , I too have cataracts, and my eyes are so blurry that I can no longer do my portrait work. Recently I've even had to back off of reading online as much as I normally was.

    I took @Yvonne Smith's advice on the pumpkin seeds, and I've been eating about a tablespoon of shelled pumpkin seeds three times a day for the last month. I've started to "see" better already. I'll continue with the seeds for as long as I can afford it. I found the seeds at our local H.E.B. store in the produce section. Then run about $9. a pound here in Texas.

    I have some real old Aloe Vera plants, but I have no idea of how to process them for eye drops. I'll have to see if I can maybe find some of the eye drops. Here are a couple of pictures of some of my plants, and in the second one is a shot of two varieties of aloe Vera. I got them when they were just little offshoots, so I didn't know I had picked the one that is two colors. @Yvonne Smith , do you know what the bicolored one is?

    image.jpeg image.jpeg
    Honey Gee likes this.
  5. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I have never seen variegated aloe vera before you posted this picture; so I did a search for it to see if such a thing existed, and (lo and behold) ... It does ! !
    Here is a webpage that shows a picture of some that looks really similar to what you have.

    Although you are supposed to be able to make eye drops from the fresh plant; I think that it might be better to get the eye drops that are specifically made for using in your eye.
    However, I think that if you take an outer leaf (always use an outer leaf because it regrows from inside), and cut it into about a 2 inch section and then split it in half; you can lay that on your eyelid, and let the benefits seep in through the eyelid . I have used it like that before and it worked fine. Until you see how it doess with your skin sensitivity, try just wiping a small bit across your eyelid first though. if that works well, then you can lay down and put on a small piece on your eyelids for a few minutes and see how that works, gradually increasing the time, as long as you are seeing the benefits of doing it.
    Honey Gee and Ina I. Wonder like this.
  6. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I'm going to bring this thread up again because when I went to have my eyes examined in October my Optometrist told me I had the beginnings of cataracts. She also told me that no surgery was needed for now. So I have been reading all the old posts on this tread and I noticed that not one of you who have cataracts have said anything about your eyes feeling sore or kind of painful. Before I went to the Optometrist my eyes just started feeling sore and kind of painful so I went to my Primary Physician and she checked them but didn't see any signs of infection, etc. She did however give me a prescription for some eye drops which I decided to research before starting to use them. It was a good thing I did this because the research said if I had any reactions to taking Aleve on Ibuprofen that I shouldn't use those drops...and it also said those drops were used by patients after cataract surgery. I can't take Aleve, etc. because it makes my asthma flare up....and I certainly haven't had cataract surgery. Anyway, my eyes are still feeling sore and what I call painful (because I don't know how else to describe what I'm feeling in them) and I'm wondering if any of you with cataracts had this kind symptoms too? @Ina I. Wonder I think I remember reading in one of your posts somewhere about you have eye pain or something like that. Can you tell me what kind of problems you are having with your eyes?

    @Yvonne Smith, I wanted to thank you for sharing about the pumpkin seeds and the aloe vera juice. My husband's green thumb has grown some beautiful aloe vera plants and we use the juice on sunburn and regular burns with success.

    I hope those of you who may have cataracts will share any symptoms you had with me.
    Honey Gee and Yvonne Smith like this.
  7. Shirley Martin

    Shirley Martin Supreme Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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    @Babs Hunt , I don't think cataracts cause soreness. My DH had droopy eyelids which means the eyelids don't quite touch the eyeball. Every time we blink, our eyelids, along with tears, clean our eyeballs. Since his didn't make contact with the eyeball, his eyes stayed dry and sore feeling all the time. He had to have surgery to tighten up his eyelids. Maybe you should ask your eye doctor to look closely at your eyelids. You might not be able to tell just by looking in the mirror.
    Honey Gee, Babs Hunt and Yvonne Smith like this.
  8. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I don't think I have that....but I have been reading about dry eyes and the symptoms for that sound alot like mine. My sister just showed me her droopy eyelids a few weeks ago when she visited and told me she might have to have surgery soon on them. And I took my ex to have surgery on his droopy eyelids that were causing problems for him. So I don't think that is my problem.
    Honey Gee and Shirley Martin like this.
  9. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    @Babs Hunt , I do have cataracts. I first thing that caught my attention was a blurrying of my eyes, and just a bit of soreness. My soreness was alleviated by eyes drops for dry eyes, But with the blurring, I had to back off of reading, or any kind of up close visual work like my weaving. The doctor also thinks the blurring could come from one of my meds.

    But I've never had pain like you are describing. You come to Houston for your family quite often, we have a very good Optometrist college here. My family goes there, and they have the most extensive exams I've ever gone through. You might consider calling them for an appointment from Louisiana. It can take awhile to get an appointment. Try asking for one when you know you'll be here next.

    I don't want to frighten you, but If the pain gets much worse, I think you need to find another optometrist and soon.
    Kate Ellery, Honey Gee and Babs Hunt like this.
  10. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    You aren't frightening me @Ina I. Wonder I call what my eyes are feeling pain, but I don't know if that is the right word for it. All I know is something is not right and now that I have my new prescription glasses, which I thought might be part of the problem because I hadn't been for an eye exam in four years...the problem is still here. I have just been putting it down to the deveoping cataracts, but after reading all the posts from those who do have them and not hearing anyone mention what I am experiencing I just don't know what to think now. So I have decided to go for another checkup. My Optometrist is fine, but I may need to see the Opthalmologist that she shares Office space with. I am going to call today and make an appointment.

    Thank you for your concern and caring Ina.
    Ina I. Wonder and Yvonne Smith like this.
  11. Honey Gee

    Honey Gee Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2016
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    Totally off topic but I had lens replacement in both eyes and Lazic purely for vanity as I was fed up of wearing glases. I now have 20/20 vision.

    It's similar to having cataract surgery and you should consider if you can. Your sight will improve dramatically.
    Babs Hunt and Ina I. Wonder like this.
  12. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I don't think there's anyway Medicare will pay for Lazic @Honey Gee. :) And we sure don't have that kind of money lying around either. Our good friend who's in his early 70's had Lazic done and he loves the difference it has made for him but he is a widower who has plenty of money to spend...and as he says: "Not enough years left to spend it all!" :)

    Right now all that matters to me is just finding out what is going on with my eyes and praying there is a solution that will fix this. :)
    Ina I. Wonder likes this.
  13. Honey Gee

    Honey Gee Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2016
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    @Babs Hunt. I failed to omit it came out of my divorce settlement :). I was married to a bully. I always put others first and tended to forget my own needs. I brought a brand new car and had my eyes done. As my mother had paid off our mortgage and I had a well paid job. I thought what the heck.

    In the UK you can have cataract surgery free on the NHS same in Spain but they do need to be giving you problems x;)
    Ina I. Wonder and Babs Hunt like this.
  14. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Oh that sounds like a fabulous way to spend your settlement money...on yourself! I was married to an abusive man for almost 23 years so I understand completely that for once you took care of yourself and in style too! :) Medicare will pay for cataract surgery...but not Lazik.
    Ina I. Wonder and Honey Gee like this.
  15. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I am very happy to share with y'all that it must be dry eye that I was experiencing because I have been using the lubricating drops since discussing my problem here....and my eyes are doing well now. :) I still have the cataracts developing though.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2016
    Ina I. Wonder likes this.

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