Given the great number of "Executive Orders" declared by a large number of Presidents, and given their seeming acceptance as law (though I suspect they are not legal, generally), What provision in our country's legal structure would prevent a President, once acceptably elected, from issuing an Executive Order declaring another person President? What provision is in place requiring the President, once acceptably elected, from residing outside of the United States? I would absolutely love to see these two unusual conditions applied to make Mr. Netanyahu our President! Frank
Frank, I think your post is the best I've seen today, LOL!! I'm still wondering what the true facts are on Obama. Mr. Netanyahu, who I don't know a lot about, but if Obama is against him, I am damn sure for him, LOL!! But I think Israel must need him so I'm ok with The Donald God help us, because I spent some time today amongst the opposition, which is sad to say, right here in America. And I do mean God help us all. I believe Donald Trump is our best hope for moving in a positive direction, not perfect, but at least hopeful. The "right" or conservative people have been accused over and over of being narrow-minded, when in fact, the "left" or the liberal "many of" are exactly that. I don't want to stereo-type, because that is totally, not fair. Many liberals changed their tune. By the same token, I have to say many conservatives, started up against Trump. If any conservatives want Jesus to run for President, that was never His way, not from what I've read. What a day, I think I am losing my one, remaining marble, but it's like "if ever I'm looking for happiness, I'll look no further than my own, back-yard"
It's a question to ponder, who would really be a good President of the United States? I think Michael Douglas made a good one, he could dance, and knew how to pick a date. Harrison Ford was good, he kicked ass, big-time!!
that could have been much of it. I still think him being black had a large part, at least, because it seemed America decided it was only right to finally have a black president. But of course he had to have other things going for him. I never liked him since I saw how he handled the talk to a regular working man, Joe the Plumber. I don't believe people should get anything special because of their color, or any other physical difference. Mentally or emotionally disturbed people need special things and I am more than for that. Otherwise, we all have a chance to be what we want to be. If we lack the brain-power, it's not anyone else's fault. I hate the blame-game. I did want to say that people like those in wheelchairs need ramps, access, things like that. So those kinds of "physical" things I wasn't talking about, geez, I feel I have to be so clear on everything I say, LOL!!