I had quite a slide-and-fall a few weeks ago. The swelling is still kinda worrisome- probably because I haven't been able to avoid physical stuff like carrying groceries, etc. Did not go to ER because I wasn't up to walking approximately 3 miles home afterward. If anyone else had this experience, how long did it take to clear up?
My experience with rib injuries is that it takes about six weeks to heal Doctors no longer recommend wrapping them. Take something for pain and minimize activity that strains them. I hope you get healed soon.
I have rib pain every so often - you have me sympathy. The less you do to aggravate it, the sooner it will clear All the best !
I have had many bruised ribs some cracked ribs all healed in time most were painful and with quite uncomfortable when taking a deep breath. My last rib experience I found a cracked rib using a tuning fork works great.
Look up medical tuning forks you can find them on Amazon. They use them on animals and chiropractors use them. They are simply a tuning fork which you activate tapping something hard than placing it on a bone if no pain is detected the bone is in good shape if pain is detected it means the bone is either cracked or broken. You also can use in with a stethoscope putting the activated tuning fork let say a toe and then listen to the knee if you hear the noise all connecting bones are good. It sure comes in hand in the countryside to know if you need x-rays or it is just a sprained ankle. I think there is some videos on you tube explaining there use.