What's this I hear???? A butterfly doesn't have any butter ??? And its not considered a fly ?? Then why is it called a BUTTERFLY?????
That's right! We now have our russet potatoes in a grocery store brown paper bag in cupboard under our kitchen counter. One onion is sitting on the counter. Nether in our frig crisper drawer anymore.
Do you know what a LEVERET is ????? A leveret is a young hare, especially one that is less than a year old
All the planets in the solar system rotate anticlockwise, except Venus. It is the only planet that rotates clockwise
The Barnes Ice Cap is a last remnant of a gargantuan sheet of ice that once covered almost all of Canada tens of thousands of years ago.
In 1979, my wife and old high school friend Charlie drove out of Vegas, where we had just been married, heading hopefully up to the many Parks of Utah, and then, finally, Glacier National Park. There, we hiked a long arduous trail from the old, time-honored lodge where we stayed, up to an area having a big Glacier, named Grinnell Glacier. It was about 8 miles upwards hiking, and extremely exhilarating. Grinnell had roughly the shape of a salamander, or lizard, and had been there several millions of years. Looking backwards, as we climbed, 5 small lakes were visible, which we had passed, presumedly fed by run -off from Grinnell during summer. I was enthralled by the incredible beauty and breath-takingness of this experience. That was in 1978. In recent years, I have seen documented views of Grinnell photographed. It almost no longer exists! Several million years old, gone during my lifetime! Frightening. Frank
Unless he died since 2008, or taught others to speak his language, only one person was known to be fluent in Taushiro, a language of native Peru which has no demonstrable relationship with any other language.
21. Thomas Edison didn’t invent the light bulb. His was the first practical light bulb that could be used at home and wouldn’t burn out, but others had invented similar devices beforehand.