I don't know about what y'all thought President Trump would be doing the day after his Inauguration events...but I sure didn't think he would be doing much more than "sleeping in" today after the past few days and nights of attending all these events. According to this news article...he is doing anything but that. I'm impressed that he is jumping right in there as President even though his Official first day in Office doesn't start until Monday.
I am amazed at the whirlwind of events and activities that Trump has attended since his very initial campaign entry. He has to be in pretty good shape to endure such a pace. I am curious to know what time he and his wife hit the sack after Friday nights Balls and how many hours of sleep he got.
I was wondering about this too Ren. I know he doesn't drink alcohol or smoke...but I wonder if he "lives" on Red Bull?
Why is he dismantling Obamacare ? Wasn't this a worthwhile thing ? I'm genuinely perplexed What is the problem with it ?
President Trump has never been a "stand still" kind of man. You can almost see the energy reflecting off of him. He also is busy working with his brain when he is physically resting. He may not get all done that he wants to, but he won't stop trying. I have not one doubt about that.
To many people it is not a good thing @Patsy Faye. And people do not like being "forced" to enroll in Obamacare or have to pay a penalty for not doing so. Like so many other things, this Health Insurance plan worked for some but not for others....and the Insurance Companies can charge whatever they want for your coverage which did not help people in a lot of cases either. No one should be "forced" into choosing something. That's the short version of why Patsy but I'm sure if others feel like discussing this they can add alot more to the why of it. Personally the first year my husband and I signed up for Obamacare it was a blessing to us. The second year we had to get two separate policies because my husband smokes and his policy hardly covered anything except what it had to...and all his copays, etc. were way up there while mine as a non-smoker was not. The third year I enrolled in Medicare and by Sept. of that year my husband would be enrolled in Medicare too. Until then he had to enroll in Obamacare...but at least he was able to have a better policy that year and the premiums were ones we could manage. For each person or family is it a different story depending on how much they earn, etc. and being forced to enroll or pay a penalty took away our freedom of choice in this.
He's changing it to something else, I think. Obamacare wasn't all that it was cracked up to be, Patsy. For 2 years I was uninsured because I refused to get what I was offered. It was crappy insurance. I wasn't poor enough to get it free so I would have had to pay a lessor amt than regular insurance but I couldn't keep my dr. The nice hospital didn't take it and my deductible would have been $6,000...,screw that! How would I pay $6,000?? People that are poor in California get Medicaid or medical anyway, they didn't even need Obamacare. There were lots of people like me that fell through the Obamacare cracks but those aren't mentioned but I talked to a lot of people like that. There weren't any drs in my part of town that took it. I wasn't going to risk my life going to gang infested central Fresno to see a dr. So I just payed cash for my drs visits and shopped around for the cheapest blood tests for 2 years until I got on Medicare. Thankfully I wasn't sick with anything that needed hospitalization in that time....I figured if I was I'd go thru the ER...they'd treat me and they could work out some payment plan.
I did find out @Ren Tanner that all 3 of the Balls started at 7pm and two were held in the same building. The Trumps spend a short time at each and could have easily been back home to the White House probably by 10pm.
So neat they had the "First Responders Ball", and I loved when he got to chat with some of the military in Afghanistan right now.
@Patsy Faye Simply stated, the Affordable Care Act was anything but that. Aside from providing additional means for the politicians to "line their pockets", it could in time essentially bankrupt the government. I really would like to know how other countries like Canada and UK are able to fund "Socialized Medicine", and whether the woes experienced by common folks are true. Three months wait to see the doctor, for example. Frank
Sadly its true Frank Our National Health system worked very well for over 50 years, in recent years this has changed drastically due to mainly immigration and also increased alcohol consumption and drugs, obesity is also a problem that we never faced before People have come over specifically to use the NH service, and of course the vast increase in immigration, thanks to the EU - has caused a major problem as the service is now is on its knees Doctors are leaving the service as they can't cope with it and sadly I cannot see that this situation will be reversed now. Its been left to fester for too long
Expensive! Just my drug insurance alone went from $15 a month, $250 deductible and $0 copay to $66 a month $400 deductible and $12 copay. It was an idiotic 2,000 pages of rules and regulations that congress passed without ever reading it. They say millions who didn't have insurance before now have insurance subsidized by taxpayers who now also have to pay higher prices for their own insurance. The real kicker is those millions who got the free or cheaper insurance can't afford to use it because of outrageously high deductibles and copays