We noticed our ST sink looked odd All around the top half of the sink was a gold colour, the rest shiny silver I googled this mystery and apparently there is a coating on stainless steel, looks like bloomin' varnish Anyhoo, we then attempt with several implements and cleaners to remove this film Not easy at all ! So while Fabs scrubs away, I'm on the computer to find a solution. I've ordered a couple of items and next week when they arrive we'll be trying to rid this awful coating ........ All afternoon spent on this
Oooh I've never had that on any of my stainless steel items ..sink etc @Patsy Faye , it's a new one on me!! Hope you manage to get it off..
I googled the mystery and that came up as the answer. I also think its the bloomin builder company that we bought this apartment from, cheap stuff mainly, especially this sink. Loads of complaints about the sinks
Oh that makes more sense ... cheap materials used . I know it's a hassle to change the sink ...sounds like you may have to do it if lots of your neighbours have the same problem tho'
We're a bit more determined than them Plus I do dislike having a new sink fitted as much as I'd like one The EU changed the sizes, in our house we changed sink there and poor Fabs had to alter the worktop just to have the new sink @Holly Saunders
Well the bits arrived to do the sink - nothing - zilch from them So, we are having to use metal on metal to get the mark off, not ideal but it works, also gives light scratches too. Hopefully they will look better with a protector
Patsy, this may be a bit of work but if you do it your sink will come out looking almost like new. Our sink became discoloured due to a chemical reaction ( a whole nuther subject ) We used a very fine emery paper which you might have to go to a specialty tool supply shop to get. It will not scratch if you get the finest grade possible, use a little elbow grease and hopefully it will work out. Beats buying a new sink.
Thanks for that suggestion Missy - but we're almost done, just one more bit to do Its looking good and the slight scratches barely noticeable and I think we can improve that over time It was the protective coating that had worn away in bits, looked awful, but its a cheap sink Don't get me started on this place (where I live) @Missy Lee