I am feeling totally "left out" by all this subterfuge........leaving me wondering who I AM too...... Frank
If I recall that's how you were when you joined Also, don't worry because I don't think you know him but I could be wrong.
Hope so! Although he knows me by a different name, the avatar is the same. Watch...it's somebody else and this poor person doesn't know what the heck I'm talking about. It's @Missy Lee fault...she put the bug in my ear.
I just got back from shrewsbury,had a great 2 days away,got rat assed Wednesday afternoon,,went to a wine and spirit tasteing session,,each glass was a full tot,,the brandy was to die for,i nearly did lol,,,lets see now,,i know holly,patsy,lee,and of course chrissy lmao,,,catch yer later,got to un pack
I have let the cat out of the bag............ the imp imprisoned within his bottle was released, and disappeared in virtual essence, quite some time ago........