Hello all! Trying out the forum as time permits. My previous online footprint was more towards collaborative journalism. (That’s what wiki says about those previous sites) I am interested in economics, law and politics. Mostly to see if any professionals in those areas make any meaningful contributions to society. Quite the conundrum thus far. I am a highly-trained P.C. (Professional Cynic). Believe it or not, that description is more accurate than any titles or degrees that I may have possessed. Hopefully I don’t create too much havoc.
Welcome to the forum. @Harold Hayden ! We are an interesting mix of seniors here, with all sorts of opinions about almost any subject; so I think that you will find some interesting conversations here, and if we do not have the topic you are wanting to converse about, just start a new thread, and we will all be right there to check it out and add our two cents worth. I see that you are from Kentucky, so you are in the same part of the country as we are, since we live in northern Alabama , just a short distance south of you.
Actually, I could care less about football. (I know, I should NEVER admit something like that and live in Alabama, so please keep my secret) I am a transplant from north Idaho, but lived on the Washington Coast for many years, too; so I guess my closest answer would be neither one, I like the Seattle Seahawks. Now, if you want to pose the question of Quarter Horse or Tennessee Walker, then I would immediately say Tennessee Walker. Does that help ?
Welcome to the forum Harold Must say I enjoyed your intro.....I am thinking you made a great forum choice.
Hey Harold, zup? I do like the self proclaimed mental occupation of "Professional Cynic". There is indeed room for another person at the table and do hope you enjoy your stay here. As for me, I describe myself to be somewhat of a Cynic bridging into the more Stoic philosophies which means that while I understand that people will do as much harm to themselves by looking in the wrong direction for self pleasure, there is very little I can do about it so I try not to give a dern. At any rate, have a good time here in our little club.......!
It was more of a Murphy's Law perspective, as it was necessary to question every assumption. Does widget A really do what it is designed to do and what is necessary to ensure that outcome? Is it really possible to construct widget A in the time frame proposed? Preemptive problem solving. It lends itself to question even generally accepted "facts" and especially the premise of "common sense".
Hmmmm, got it up to the point of "common sense". Now, I'll have to painstakingly do some research as to where one might be able to find a readily available portion of the nearly extinct part of intellect. Like uranium, I understand that it is getting harder and harder to find.
Hello and Welcome from the forum "rocker". Classic Rock is my gig. Also, Quarter Horse was my type years ago when I was a Team Roper in rodeo.