Or do you think people here in America or wherever you live have gotten better, or stayed the same throughout history? In my opinion people are getting worse, although I know there were time periods in the past when people were worse too...there just seems to be more consistency in this now. What's your opinion?
Don't know...don't have enough info. Are you talking in general? The US? The World? My circle of people? In my everyday life people are still nice but what I read on the internet isn't as nice, it's very hard to say. Are people not nice because you don't agree with their views or other reasons? Complicated question. We also know more about everything with the internet than we did without it...maybe there were murders every day somewhere we just don't hear about it, etc.
Okay, thanks Babs. I still stand by my answer about the internet access we have because now we read every single day all the horrors that go on and that makes me think it's gotten worse but before internet we didn't hear about a lot of things. Now with fake news also, who knows what's real and what's not...all I can say is in my life and circle of family and friends I thank God we are all still good human beings. I also feel we are at a crossroad now and I fear an implosion or explosion...even in my lifetime. If what we see and hear is true....it can't go on like this, especially in the US...too much hate.
People are in my opinion definitely losing all common sense and getting crazier and more violent now days! When you don't even know if you are a boy or a girl, or you think you can be both, or none at all....that's totally crazy to me. And look how people are trying to erase history by taking down statues, etc. Yes we are headed for the end of something for sure.
Yes, I agree to some extent but it wasn't all a bed of roses a few decades ago either...things were just covered up and not out in the open as they are now.
I think what you do in your own home is your own business but when you put it out on the street for anyone to see...then you better expect some comments on it. And when you try to push your business on other people than you better be prepared to have them push back!
And that's where the problem will be...we are divided by many things....there will be a clash eventually...and I'm not just talking about riots and protests....more like a civil war but liberal against conservative. Things are getting out of hand.
Yes I agree they are....but it's nothing I didn't expect and the ending won't be something I'll be surprised about either.
I think many people in a different time and place can act very differently. I know your OP is regarding the U.S. but I wonder sometimes who among us is capable of atrocities and who isn't. I think the internet has changed people. People staring at their cell phones all the time is foreign to me. Do people trust and help others? I don't think very much. Seems many people are more and more isolated even in the age of technology.
I agree with you on this Kitty. In fact I think people are lonlier too because they are not spending physical time with each other or developing real intimacy with each other. And they may be touching their keypads on their phones, etc. but they are doing alot less of touching each other because of this. People need real hugs...cyber hugs just don't have the same effect.
I personally love the Internet and have found it to be a big help in researching, in keeping in touch with my family that is far away and that I can't be with physically as often as I want to be, and in letting me shop for gifts, etc. without having to get in my car and go to the store for these things. I'm sure I could come up with many more good things that I like about the Internet. Just like anything else in life the way we use something can make it a blessing or curse in our lives. If all or most of my interaction time with my family and friends is done through the Internet and not physically, if I neglect my responsibilies because I spend all my time on the Internet, etc. then the blessing of the Internet to me becomes more of a curse in my life, or maybe I should say an addiction that needs to be broken. For some of us the Internet may be our only means of socializing, if so I see that as a blessing too. If I can't be with my loved ones, their voice on the phone or their chatting with me and sharing photos online blesses my life and I hope theirs too. I don't see the Internet as the tool that has made people worse now days. People decide how and what they are going to be and honestly I find the decisions many people are making now days in many cases are just plain crazy. It doesn't bother me when people make their decisions and choices and I am free to make mine too. I don't force these decisions or choices on other people, but a whole lot of people now days are trying their best to force their decisions and choices on everyone...and that is just not right in my opinion. In the past some of this has gone on too...but now I think it has just gotten totally out of control and we are headed for disaster.
In part its out of control,because we read about it. So far nobody has ever forced anything on me...I still live my life as always. I've never even been to or have seen a gay pride parade in my life. I'm not accosted on the street with pamphlets telling me to become gay, I don't have people knocking on my door and telling me to be gay or transgender etc. Have only had Jehovahs witnessesdo that...not be gay but join their religion. In total I know about 2 gay people and I live in California, the lesbian is my childhood friend in Pittsburgh...and I know a gay dentist in CA. My motto is live and let live...as long as you don't hurt others.
Also want to add that yes, I do see many gay couples walking about or in stores and I'm assuming they're gay because of the typical stereotype and not because they're having sex in front of me.