Thanks, @Chrissy Cross. Thanks, @Patsy Faye . He prescribed the 50 mcg for me. I have heard that it takes a month before you can see any difference.
Lol, I may as well be, that's how it feels for me ! I don't know why we have to suffer so much Lets just laugh it all off !
I no longer have a thyroid so I suppose I would have such an experience if I quit taking my Levothyroxine.
Who's suffering? I ain't suffering. I'm sitting here in a nice cool house playing on my computer and having a good time.
@Ken Anderson , have you had any side effects from the Levothyroxine? I hate taking medicine and always worry about side effects. will probably take a month @Shirley Martin. Ive had no side effects from it. Only one I can even think of is if your dose is too high you'll get a rapid heartbeat but at 50mcg I don't think it will be a problem. Your metabolism should kick up also...might lose weight easier but I wouldn't get my hopes up on that.
might lose weight easier but I wouldn't get my hopes up on that Well, darn! There goes that little pipe dream.