I have a ton I got on BigFish, most for 2.99, some were given to me free because the game didn't work right so they'd send me a free coupon Love your avatar photo Ina lovely, with the Sun shining on you Happy Sunday, and don't eat all the leftover candy like I'm doing, arggggggggg!! LOL
You gals talking Vintage, might be interested in Angela M. Sanders series I read recently, fun mysteries about a gal in Portland OR that owns a struggling Vintage Clothing shop. They are way fun reads: http://www.goodreads.com/series/140183-vintage-clothing-mysteries Also wanted to mention on cozy-mysteries.com they have a "search" that tells you of mysteries set in certain cities. Like if you live in San Francisco the story will take place around there etc.: Look down this page-link for "mysteries set it certain cities": http://www.cozy-mystery.com/cozy-mysteries-by-themes.html
Thanks Denise...will take a look. Of course I still have books on my kindle I havent read...movies in my dropbox I havent watched! I really dont know where my day goes...it just does.
True for me too Chrissy, more books than I can read, lol! I was sort of shopping yesterday (I didn't buy anything, lol) and noticed some of the styles are "trying" to look vintage. They are so cheaply made though, in the department stores, that I wouldn't buy one. They just don't make them like they used to
I walk at least 4 hours out of my day, that helps take a chunk out of things. I mean I walk somewhere, like the Mall, or just to the grocery store for little things I can carry in a back-pack. One problem with that is, I get so tired I then take a nap, LOL! That takes another hour out of my day, heehee! I eventually want to busy myself with some sort of pt work, whether at home, or elsewhere.
Hi Denise! Here are the winners: Well, this being our first annual Halloween Party, and all, we have decided to go ahead and declare the following happy results in our Costume Contest! WE HAVE MULTIPLE WINNERS IN ALL CATEGORIES! Congratulations, to ALL! WINNERS FOR THE BEST FEMALE COSTUME: Sacheen BrightEagle, Ina I Wonder and Yvonne Smith WINNERS FOR THE BEST MALE COSTUME: Terry Page and Ken Anderson WINNERS FOR THE BEST PET COSTUME: Pickles and Ella The Voters have spoken! MONDAY will be PAMPERING day! The rest of us, can help clean up!
The voting Polls are now "read only", so you can check them out for the individual results, in The Happy Talk section.
That mug is so cute, Joe that im thinking of getting a real one with Pickles on it...just like my pillow. Another thing for my Christmas wishlist.
LOVE THAT BEAT!! (Bucie-Superman) Got me dancing a happy dance while I continue cleaning up after the party last night. I needed that. Thanks
Thank you Abby, I decided to try to keep an up to date picture because my hair is turning silver or white real fast. The first of September I had that color stuff that washes out put in my hair so I could see if I wanted to let it go gray. So I have decided to let it go which ever way it wants.