True. But, there are a LOT of things done today that aren't right. A lot of them we just have to live with.........unfortunately, but.
We should show respect for the office not necessarily the mickey mouse in the office. Seriously, I think we should quit playing the national anthem at sporting events. I don't like the circus going on in the NFL but then i don't like it they're tearing down all these confederate monuments either. But then I might feel somewhat differently if I considered that America's police departments have declared war on black men. We may could use some cops with a little people sense.
I honestly think that this "anything goes" now days has just gone way to far and the NFL fiasco is just one example of this.
I really don't give a fat rat's ass what the football players think. Nor do I care what the Hollywood "Stars" think...... If they do...... They have about as much connection to ordinary people as I do to Hillary Clinton.
No, they have not declared war, in some places it merely looks like they have declared war and it appears those people responsible for overseeing the cops approve it. Many cops are too darned trigger happy, and act like they're going to earn a merit badge or something, maybe a bonus on their next pay check if they can just get them themselves a minority. They will plant evidence and lie about what happened. Not all are this way but enough to make the whole barrel stink. Maybe we ought to put minorities on reservations, like we did the Indians or create multiple huge gettos across the country, herd them in like cattle into large correls or pens. We could use the Chicago stock yards and the Ft. Worth stockyards (Of course, Billy Bob's would have to move) as examples bigger so we could build them little shanties. I mean, just some thoughts. thinking! thinking! thinking!.
The police seriously need to police themselves, instead of excusing poor conduct. Lack of ethics and any meaningful oversight. It is more than just cops shooting blacks, but everyday interactions. TPTB have created their own gestapo and must overlook/condone gestapo like actions, to keep their power in place.
Well that would work for me. I remember when my children used to get mad at me because they didn't agree with what I forbid them to do, etc. They would start griping and I told them they had the right to not agree with me but they would have to go do it in their rooms because I would not stand for them disrespecting me either. We all have a right to our opinion but let's do it with respect for each other.
No Bill...I think you were just sharing your opinion just as I was. It's the NFL players that in my opinion were disrespectful.