Is There A Conspiracy To Take God And Biblical Principals Out Of America?

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Babs Hunt, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. Amie Ar

    Amie Ar Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
  2. Amie Ar

    Amie Ar Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    I do not want my comment to be taken into context as the topic pertains to the US government and its citizen. I am Asian and non-American. But my view was that: Isn't it this something about the issue on separation between the church and state? Like the US, Philippines was also a melting pot of races and faith. Our country was colonized by several nation during the colonization era. And as far as I am concerned, America brought the Protestant religion in my country. But Christianity and Islam were both practiced in here.

    But I do believe it will still be RESPECT to the rule and order that must always be observed by each man to live harmoniously and in peace with one another. I remember the piece I've written in my blog HERE. I really do hope and wish there will really be PEACE that the world and every nation must really consider.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
  3. Diana Kristof

    Diana Kristof Veteran Member

    Jul 17, 2016
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    I don't see how this could be considered a conspiracy. It's a trend in thinking/philosophy that simply is changing. It happens all the time in all cultures. Sometimes belief systems grow and evolve. Sometimes they break down and die. Sometimes they stand the test of time, but almost always they change in some way or other.

    Also, I think it would be a bold assumption to think everyone in this forum believes in God, and further very sad to assume that those who do not are bad people. We are all entitled to our own beliefs.
  4. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I think that it is an erroneous assumption to believe that people think that.
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  5. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    It's pretty close to the truth though, Ken. Religion always causes arguments...on here, on other forums, just about everywhere.

    I know not everyone believes in God on the forum and I'm pretty sure even though you won't admit it you have negative feelings towards them.

    I may be wrong but this is what I feel, so even if not true, it feels that way.
    Diana Kristof likes this.
  6. Amie Ar

    Amie Ar Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    I definitely agree that we are all entitled to our own beliefs but I NEVER consider that those without religion are bad people. I believe in the freedom to choose whatever faith you will believe that will make you a better person. The same way I respect that some people do not have such specific choice like the Atheists. And as I have noted in my reply above and again
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    No, I don't. Not at all. It disturbs me that people feel the need to be angry with those who disagree with them, whether the subject is religion, politics or anything else, however. I see that on both sides, even in myself sometimes, but I wish the sides were made up of issues rather than people. Also, let me point out that it was the Christian who started this thread who left the forum because she was mad at me.
  8. Diana Kristof

    Diana Kristof Veteran Member

    Jul 17, 2016
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    That was fair, Ken. I didn't thoroughly process my thoughts in order to make a response that both made sense and expressed my feelings. I was kind of responding in a general way to the 'feel' of what I got form several replies as well as the OP, but not being specific was obviously not helpful.

    Part of the reason I tend to assume people feel a certain way is that I have been on both sides of this fence. I used to be a Christian and now I'm not. Gives me a bit of a different POV and sometimes I feel defensive of either 'side.' It can be confusing for me too.

    Anyway, I did not mean to say that I thought everyone here thought non-religious people were bad. I realize that is basically what I said, but it wasn't my intent, and I don't think that. What I meant to say was that I wish that people of different faiths (or no faith) would more often agree to disagree.
  9. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Even though Christians are told to love other people, that is not how it comes across sometimes, and I can totally understand how non-Christians can think that they are looked down on, or that Christians have negative feelings about non-Christians.
    I actually think that some of them do have this kind of an attitude; so it is totally reasonable that other people would feel this negativity from some Christians.
    Most of the things in the Bible that were given as a way to live, were spoken to people who were already believers. What was supposed to be said to people who hadn't heard the gospel (which actually is supposed to mean "good news"), is that God loves us.
    But somehow, this great message gets totally turned around, and people are instead told that they are sinners and are going to go to hell.
    NOT the way to make someone think that they are loved, for sure ! !
    As @Ken Anderson said in another thread, changing all of people's behavior would not make a difference.

    It is changing people's hearts to accepting Jesus that truly makes a difference. And condemning people is sure not the way to achieve that.
    As has also been pointed out, there are many people who are athiests and live much more caring and moral lives than some people who profess to being a Christian.
    The Bible says that God looks at a person's heart; so I believe that He can totally discern what kind of a person we truly are, regardless of our labels or outward appearance.
  10. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Is There A Conspiracy To Take God And Biblical Principals Out Of America?

    Since beginning this tread, I'm seeing even more evidence that the conspiracy to take God and Biblical principals out of America is real and gaining more ground by the day. Yet those who have studied Biblical prophecy will not be surprised by any of this...though they may be surprised to see it happening before their eyes and in their lifetime. Satan and those who have decided to follow him have been preparing to set up satan's earthly kingdom since the day he and his followers were thrown out of heaven because of his rebellion against the God of the Bible. Satan wasn't satisfied being a highly esteemed angel of God...and he convinced one third of God's angels to rebel with him. God threw the whole bunch of them out of heaven and they have been roaming the earth ever since trying to wipe out God's name from the earth and to destroy all of God's creation also. This is no more than a Fairy Tale to many people, but Bible prophecy has not only told what has happened from the beginning but has given us the ending too.

    This Conspiracy according to Biblical prophecy will end up with a one World Government and a one World form of Religion. The World will be ruled by the antichrist and there will be a counterfeit religion or faith too. Neither will be of God. They both will of satan and his followers, and those they will deceive. And it will look like they have removed God and Biblical principles from this World. Yet according to Biblical prophecy Christ will return and set up His Kingdom and finally remove and destroy forever satan, his demons, and his followers. And the Kingdom of God will be set up where no evil will ever be allowed. One day and we are closer to that day than we have ever been...satan's evil conspiracy will end. And I for one will be glad to see it end.
  11. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Welcome back Babs, and I disagree.

    Now I'm looking forward to leaving for my stress test and won't even look here before I leave in a half hour.

    Just want to say "Hi" and hope all is well with you.
  12. Marilyn Pahl

    Marilyn Pahl Veteran Member

    Aug 18, 2016
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    I agree with you.. There is a division of church and state. Before 1954 our pledge of allegiance was in the one part, one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all. President Eisenhower had it change out to under G-d only because of Russian threats and thought it would give people peace of mind. Does anyone remember the, "Up and Duck" where we had to stand at our school desks and crawl under them with our hands clasped around the back of our necks? Then have someones rear in your face and hope they wouldn't pass gas....Yep the Russians are coming.:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2016
  13. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I'm bringing this back up to the top because I have been thinking alot about this lately but my thinking has broadened and now the question I ask myself is: "Who or what is trying to destroy/erase America and everything she has stood for?"

    Yes, God and everything He stands for is still trying to be eradicated from America. But our history is now trying to be erased, our rights to bear arms and other Constitutional rights are trying to be eradicated too. Who and what is behind this?

    Is it the Puppet Masters who want to bring in the One World Order? Is it that America has allowed such an influx of immigrants who no longer are willing to pledge their loyalty to America and adapt to America's laws, language, etc....but instead want America to change to suit them? Is there a terrorist group trying to destroy and conquer America from within? Is it all the different groups that are forming their own Agendas for America? Or could it be a mixture of all of these?

    Certainly no one can deny America is changing. Are these just normal changes? Or is there a conspiracy behind all these changes and if there is who do you think is behind it and why?

    Will America still be called America in the future? And will those who live here still have the freedoms are Fore Fathers fought to give us?

    I spend a lot of time pondering these questions although the answer to any of them may not affect me that much because I will probably no longer be on this earth to find out the answers to some of my questions. But my children and grandchildren may be and my heart goes out to them when I think of what may lay ahead for them.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  14. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    The U.S. is still very young and compared to other, much older countries, we are just passing a sort of pubescent time in our history.
    Our birth was laborious indeed and throughout the passing years of growth we have become the boy with a great arm that has led to many a championship but at the same time is still looking for adulthood.
    And, just as the young are always conflicted and always right, our nation suffers the same perils. Each part of the body and brain are still growing and still experiencing new concepts in its journey of growth and as such each step of the way there are new discoveries, pains, sprains, and broken bones that tell a tale of that process.

    When we try to demand that so many cultures and different belief systems come together with a common goal in such a small area and in such a small period of time there is bound to be some upsets in the making. But, the eventuality, In My opinion is that through some patience and a lot of love for God, man and country we can grow up to be what we are intended to be.

    Oh, there will always be differences and problems just as each individual experiences in life but if we focus on the concept as described in Php 4:8, maybe, just maybe our focus might catch on with a new fervor.
    Ted Richards likes this.
  15. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    I think all of your reasons stated are 100% true.

    For me,
    Every time I hear a language, other than English, spoken here it makes me wonder.
    When I see the women from India here in our complex, wearing their native clothes, it makes me wonder.

    Yes, just like you mentioned, there are definitely things that go on today in America, that make me wonder “what the heck is going on”! However, sometimes I do know what’s going on.

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