My wife is waiting until she is completely over her cough/chest congestion before she gets her flu shot. I read online that a person should not get a flu shot when they are sick with a cold and/or congestion. The shot can, and does, make the sickness worse. So, she is waiting. Getting my Senior Double Dose Flu Shot one day this coming week. I dont need the pneumonia shot anymore (CVS Pharmacist told me two years ago). My wife was told the same thing last year. However, we both know we have waited too long to get the flu shot! Everywhere we go, we are hearing folks coughing. A month after getting my flu shot, I have to get a Shingles shot. There will go $233 out of our pocket for that shot. Medicare pays for the flu shot, but not a cent for a Shingles shot. My wife got her’s a couple months ago.
I got the shingles shot a few years ago. Have had only one flu shot in my life and that was when it was required when I volunteered at the hospital. Also, never had the pneumonia shot. Except for the bronchitis last year, I seldom get sick.
Shingles in adulthood can be almost terrifying. Had it, and it was! Long ago, 1981 or '82, at 40. Steroid injection helped, but it took two weeks to get some relief. Frank