I like my hair...maybe I should try full bangs! I do look good in white...perfect choice @Shirley Martin
Gonna be a long hibernation then. According to an EPA report, of all the months that were responsible for certain actions to take place, April, on the average, failed miserably this last year. March brought it's winds, May brought flowers but without the help of April and it's responsibility for showers. Hence, April has been put on suspension pending a hearing scheduled by the U.N. sometime in 2019. All of the other months will continue onward with a stern warning against unionizing over the April suspension.
OK... Time for me to start looking for a cave or someplace for me to hibernate.. I was thinking about the local tavern.. any suggestions on that spot.. Hmmm could be a bit noisy.. I was also thinking of the local MacDonald's as they have excellent coffee.. I can also get a senior coffee which comes with a refill.. How about the local furniture shop where they have several beds.. I will be comfortable while I hibernate.. How about the local computer shop.. I can keep in touch with you all winter.. For sure I MUST stay away from the local butcher shop or I will end up on someone's table as a roast or stew.. I'm making plans but I am still undecided..
Thanks Jeff.. I accept it with pleasure... Do you think it will be able to host my wife, my 9 bear cubs, and myself all comfortably ?? It could be a bit crowded.. Maybe I should try the Comfort Inn and ask for some sort of seasonal special..
Looks like Jeff has been shopping in Costco for the giant jars of Nutella and a teddy to cuddle ..the Nutella will stack on fat the winter .... Oh dear @jeff Tracey I missed that flight back to Australia I was stuck In Hospital beacuse my plumbing wouldn’t work to their standards right after surgery ....now I will have to wait until I can get the next budget priced Flight Home
Dearest Kate , I think quite a few of us have bladder problems after sitting on that freezing tarp ... I recommend Wild Turkey straight but hold the ice ...
Hey @Jeff Tracy, I know that there are many different idiosyncrasies in different parts of the world, as well as the different races. Us Natives too have our idiocies, and one of them is not pooping on one’s self. We didn’t catch onto underpants until in our recent history. Can you imagine the “mess” we would have to go through without undies?
Hi @Steve North, with your tribe it sounds like you just might do best at the Comfort Inn. Being as it’s hibernation time maybe they would give you a large discount on a suite big enough for a dozen. They could wrap all your needs into one package.