A lot of occupations have specialized personnel which carry the three letter "ist" after the title such as: Specialist, Psychologist, Therapist, or Cardiologist. Such was the topic of thought whilst I was working out this morning. Earlier this week I had to endure the indignities which a colonoscopy provides and the thought came up about "what does a person call the guy or gal who does the colonoscopy?" Then after reviewing the names I listed above, I decided it might be proper to call them colon-ists or colonists. I noted that colonists are generally invasive by nature so I do believe my colonist term fits quite well.
Well having had the dubious pleasure of having that procedure done not once but 3 times in my life...I think I must definitively be a full signed up member of a Colony......next time I'd prefer to have nothing invasive and just maybe go on a trip to a Colony rather than the opposite way around...
I think it is much better than the term someone from England might give them.............bugger-ists!
@Holly Saunders The medical "practitioners", those that practice, recommend this procedure for everyone reaching age 50. Of course, I resist such whim, just as I did in 2005, pretty long ago, come to think of it, when my bloodwork indicated a slightly white cell count. The Dr. set up a Bone Marrow Biopsy with a blood specialist in another town. After studying the numbers, and trying to "read-between" my Dr's. statement that "Leukemia" may be present, I called the danged procedure off. Here I am, fighting "practice" still, having avoided some very scary procedures over the years, including a Radical Maxillary Operation, aka Cauldwell-Luc Procedure. Frank
I'm sorry you've had some scary procedures to endure over the years Frank... including the sinus problem... I've had similar..( not with the sinus ) but many visits to the Maxillofacial Consultant unfortunately... most of my illnesses during my life have been around the face, and throat.. as well as ENT.. not pleasant at all..
Proctologists are similar to a farmer borrowing someone else's donkey in order to plow their field. They are trying to make some money by using someone else's ass.
True but even fasting is hard for me. I'm someone who has to eat something every couple of hours. Ive been putting mine off for awhile now with excuses that I can only do it when my daughter can come to Fresno. I also need her here for when I get cataracts removed. She's pretty busy so a colonoscopy and cataracts on the same day would be ideal, lol. Just kidding....both scare me...tests and procedures cause major panic with me.
Oh yes believe me I know. The first colonsocopy I had to have I cancelled. I'd gone through the whole fasting period which is difficult because like you I have to eat every couple of hours due to a hiatus hernia... and I was scared but I did it..then I got to the hospital and the appointment time, and sat there waiting for 90 minutes over my time, slowly getting more wound up and in a panic and by now almost on my knees with hunger...... then after asking how much longer it would be.. and having no positive answer...I couldn't take it any more, and left. My o/h was mad as hell cuz he'd taken the day off work to bring me home, but I had gone into a full panic attack and had to get out of there before I had a full melt down in front of everyone . .
Poor Holly, that sounds horrible but I'd be the same. Wish they could find easier ways to do these tests but they probably already have....