So many new words these days ... Have you come across any instances of this? 'mansplaining': a term of derision, where-in a professional female man-hater chooses to be insulted when a man goes out of his way to be helpful. The female version of mansplaining is of course bitchsplĂ„inĂng, the difference being that it isn't designed to be helpful and only occurs in the middle of a ball game.
Nope can't say I've heard of those yet....I hope I don't... I know language has to evolve but it seems to be changing at a super-fast rate in the last few years..and those words are just ridiculous...
Yes well, they've been added to the Oxford Dictionary along with..Humblebrag to make a seemingly modest, self-critical, or casual statement or reference that is meant to draw attention to one's admirable or impressive qualities or achievements seems there's thousands more I didn't know either I was to-ing and fro-ing 'tween sites so definitions may vary
I feel the same as Holly and I find new words 'irritating' Or should that be - irriblantanly garbled hangry ............
It's all the new gender neutral words and definitions they are coming up with now days that throw me for a loop.
Pansexual =not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity. so it doesn't matter who or what, anything goes? ... so confusing!
What about Froyo ( yes, a new dictionary word) why can't they just say Frozen yoghurt? it because they text so much that they can no longer say 2 words together?!
I saw this yesterday....what an idiot!