For me it's the fabric and yarn shops though I do buy these items online. I'm not a big fan of the big stores like Joann's and Michaels crafts. We have two small fabric shops and one yarn shop in my town. As I mentioned before our local yarn shop has very nice customer service and help. I was at the quilt shop the other day just browsing but ended up leaving because the employees were at the counter talking crap about customers: "this woman comes in and asks how much fabric she needs to make a twin quilt. I ask her what size and she says twin." Then she makes some comment about people not knowing what they want or need and they both snicker. How stupid to talk like that when a customer is in the shop. That's what they are there for. To help customers figure things out. Takes a bit of the fun out of browsing and sends me back to the internet.
I sometimes go into Joann's to get something for my wife, but I never browse--just in and out as quickly as possible. I have made the suggestion that they should build fabric and craft stores next to hardware and gun stores. That way the guys would have someplace to browse while their spouses were browsing. I personally like sporting goods stores and building supply places.
Your post made me chuckle @Don Alaska I often notice how uncomfortable men seem to look in Joann's. They look like I feel at the hardware store! I think your idea is a great one and would be good for business!
We don't have a Hobby Lobby in my area. I've never been in one. We used to have a Ben Franklins crafts but they closed.
Loiter: travel indolently and with frequent pauses. synonyms: dawdle, dally stroll, saunter, loll, go slowly, drag one's feet delay, dilly-dally. Browse: survey goods for sale in a leisurely and casual way. synonyms: look around, have a look, window-shop, peruse It would seem that browse and loiter are very similar in nature and since there are many laws against loitering, I cannot with good conscience browse without thinking I am breaking the law. I have noticed that security guards generally follow those who browse and never watch anyone who simply grab what they came for and heads for the cash register hence, there is proof that I am on the right track because I am one of the later. My conscience is clear......................
LOL...I'd be in the hardware and gun shop with my husband lol...or even without him. I'm not and never have been a 'crafty' person... but I can shoot a gun, and I know how to use a hammer and chisel etc...
Beyond the regular repartee that we all share on this forum, I KNEW there was something I like about you.............!!!
Academy& Atwoods Farm & Ranch are the only 2 we have in town here I browse in, mostly in the hunting and fishing area
Phase One: As a small boy, full of adventure, who wanted to be outside playing, I would stand around a Fabric shop while Mom looked at EVERY bolt of fabric in the store. Phase Two: A much older and wiser teen, I hung out at the local Surf shop, touching and comparing every curve, angle and new design of boards. Phase Three: Young adult and full of my trade. Hung out at supply houses discussing refrigerants, pumps and gauges. Phase Four/One: Heading to 66 years old and I find myself once again standing inside a store that sells yarn, thread and then to the shoe store where she will try on EVERY shoe in her size ( and some in a size she THINKS she can wear.) Life is a Circle...
Another thought I had was that Tim Allen (if you know who he is) used to have a show called "Home Improvement" that was a spoof on DIY shows. Anyway, he has the copyright to "Binford Tools" the imaginary sponsor of his show. I figured he should start a home show type tool thing, similar to Tupperware or Pampered Chef, where tools were sampled and sold. I figured a bunch of folks sittin' around drinking beer and buying tools would be a pretty good business. In a former life, my one-and-only Tupperware party was combined with a barbecue and a keg party. I sold enough stuff to cover the beer, steaks and accessories. It was a great break-even time!
IF, mind you I did write "IF" I did decide to browse around a store it would be Harbor Freight Tools. One must be choosy because some of the tools are just plain cheap as differed from inexpensive but it is where I do buy most of my tools. To be honest, I didn't know about the place until my wife, @Yvonne Smith introduced me to it back when we first met. Other than some yard stuff, she doesn't have a whole lot to do with tools in general but I do have to give her the credit for introducing me to man's (and ladies like @Holly Saunders) heaven on earth.
Let's see........JoAnn's, Michael's, Hobby Lobby, Bass Pro, Academy Sports are the ones I can think of fast.
My son in law does a lot of work around salt water, and he uses a lot of Harbor Freight stuff because it is cheap enough that when a tool gets all rusty and corroded, it can be discarded and replaced.