This is scary technology but not that new. An accidental release of information. Washington State Fusion Center accidentally releases records on remote mind control
This was in a lawsuit by John St Clair Akwei on 2/20/1992, which was summarily dismissed on 3/9/1992. Mr. Akwei accused the NSA of manipulating people's minds as far back as 1974 and him since 1979. He (plaintiff) filed his complaint due to... Just type in the guy's name and watch google go to work. Was the Washington State Fusion Center having a bit of fun, by including documents that were readily available on the internet AND were not official government documents, other than copies of the original civil action?
"EM" is ever present in our everyday lives. To suggest that it is being used as a form of "Mind Control" is ludricous. It's time to "get real" about these underworld, subterfuge theories and view as well as release basic facts. Frank
People have complained about something or someone controlling their "minds" and / or behavior for eons so it's really nothing new. The phrase, "the devil made me do it" is one of the chief copouts, but doesn't go without some sort of left handed merit in the religious community. From Hitler's fluorine tests, the LSD trials on Vietnam era vets to subliminal messaging there have been all sorts of methods employed by governments and major corporations focused on controlling the behavior of the general public. So, does someone have a valid complaint if they think the government is trying to zap their brains with some sort of UHF mind scrambler? It may be just another chicken little episode but viewing the past attempts by our own government there just might be enough grounds for someone to "lose their minds" over yet another conspiracy in the works. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE; YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED................
The conspiracy theory people have been saying this for years. Now the governments admit it was so. Like Mk ultra the tin hatters said it and now it is fact. what else will show up as people start looking instead of excepting what the media feeds us.
They were discussing that on some radio talk show last night. It seems that the Washington State Fusion Center did indeed include this stuff in their response to FOIA requests. Odd.
John St Clair Akwei (a tin hatter) wrote the entire document, NOT the government. The conspiracy might lie in why the WSFC decided to copy a file that resides in public domain and ship it along to muckrake. Possibly to discredit muckrock, would be my guess.
Imo, what better way to sow the seeds of discredit (and some revenge for all the FOIA requests), than to provide this to muckrock. This appears to be a copy of the original document from 1992. (note pdf and you must scroll a bit over half way down the entire document to get to Akwei v NSA.. Why the WSFC chose to regurgitate this in a FOIA request would make for good fodder amongst conspiracy theorists, imo.
Okay, I have to rethink things and propose another problem I bumped into but it’s not necessarily mind control. My wife always lives with the possibility of having a pacemaker implanted in her chest and that brought about some thoughts of the signs on restaurants which warned of microwave ovens in use for those recipients of pacemakers. Granted, those threats have been largely negated but thinking about them brought about some linear thinking on my part and yes, I found out some things that might be worthy of conversation. The wireless boom has quite a few independent scientists and universities working on the possibilities of biological harm stemming from 2.4G to 5G frequencies especially on the human brain. Whilst there is some evidence of bodywide cell corruption and DNA distortion, the brain seems to be extremely susceptible to the now greater onslaught of the wireless era. In various studies, control groups had experienced erratic heartbeats, insomnia and depression when they were surrounded by and subjected to 2.4G’s networks and even an addition of memory loss at 5G’s. Rather than posting a singular link, I suggest looking up “biology and wireless” or the human brain and 5G networks”. Referencing those will bring up no less than 50 studies and yes, I even ran into some mind control articles as well. Using some of the studies as references, I could write an entire paper using someone else’s actual work but I’d rather leave room for some other thoughts by other posters.
I could see how it would be easy to "control" peoples' minds by rigging something up in Cell phones. In fact I think they already have done this to a certain extent. For sure if "they" are not trying to control our minds with all this technology they are always updating...then they sure know what's on our minds because we are always letting them know this online, etc.
@Bobby Cole Your post brings answers as well as more questions, to thoughts I've been having lately babout microwaves of typical kitchen-oven frequency in particular. I'll be off-thread possibly by going further, as mind control is not what troubles me specifically, though it poses need for discussion. In fairness to the thread, I'm off to the research area. Frank
@Bobby Cole A further thought: "Wave" intensity and effect are both dependent on two things, frequency and power expended in emitting it. Many folks live in close proximity to high-tension lines carrying enormous amounts of power. That equates to very highly intense electromagnetic radiation being broadcast outward from the line constantly, bombarding those living nearby. How close matters? Intensity decreases as the square of increasing distance from the source, true of all EM, but the intensity is high for certain, possibly even quite a distance away. But, it is only of 60 Hertz frequency, far less "penetrating" than the frequencies encountered with mobile communication equipment. OTOH, the power level of our beloved cells is very low. Where does a "trade-off" begn to occur? I dunno. As a general statement, the higher the frequency, the more "energetic" the EM becomes. So, comparing a microwave oven's "danger" at 2.5 billion Hz per second and visible light at 5 trillion per second, at first glance it would seem that the visible light surrounding us all the time is far more "risky" than microwaves, by a factor of about 2000! Something's fishy here. True, ultraviolet radiation, at the top end of visible's spectrum, can burn our skin, what "burn" effect might microwaves exhibit? They too cause heat build-up. If microwave energy "penetrates", why does not visible light, which is far more energetic? Still fishy. I'm IN THE DARK! Frank
Here's something else to be concerned about. Thought window-peeping drones was bad? I give you the newest version: Flying miniature assassins. File this one under ain't science just swell! Click on the blue text to view video.
Here is another video that shows a much more dramatized version of what these drones are capable of and how they work. If we don’t already have these capabilities, I would guess that there are some that are pretty close to this.