I was talking to the ladies at Curves and the topic was about churches...I mentioned that I was looking for a Church to join but more for social reasons than religious ones. Told them I don't care for the super big churches. One lady mentioned this one... http://www.newhopechurch.net/common-questions/ It's not too far from me at all and looks like a nice friendly little church. I see they even have volunteer opportunities but I'm not sure I can commit to a set schedule. I'd enjoy the watching the babies ones. Anyway...my question is ...will I be a hypocrit for joining for the wrong reasons... Seems this church follows the words of the Bible strictly and that's my main obstacle when it comes to religion. Any thoughts?? Should I go?
Absolutely you should go There are many selfish people that go to Church, you are going to join for the social aspect, not selfish at all
It's weird though that even though I'm not religious now, I was raised Catholic and I somehow feel like I'm cheating if I go to a church that's a different denomination.....don't know way. Thing is, there's no way I want to go to a Catholic Church ...too boring.
Oh go for it CC....everyone joins a church for different reason, and not always to worship a deity...some just for the social aspect like you. You need not feel any sort of way with regard to being raised in a different religion... Just go and give it a try...see if you enjoy the people you interact with....
@Chrissy Cross, Catholic Churches are not what they once were, and not all of them are the same--I think it depends on the attitude of the bishop. Many people go to churches here to be entertained (I think that was covered in another thread), particularly the younger folks. Not only would you get an opportunity to meet people in a different and safer setting, but some churches offer free counseling, not necessarily tied to their denomination--both of which you have mentioned in previous posts. I would strongly recommend giving it a try. If New Hope Church doesn't fit your needs, try another. When I lived in California, I used to go to church simply to meet girls--their parents seemed to think more of you if you met in church.
But, just remember, Chrissy, you'd have to sit and listen to religious talks. Most events that happen thru a church are religious based...….you know that, right? You could lie, if asked about your religion and/or belief in God, but do you really want to do that. Others can disagree, but I'd think that church would be the last place a person would go only to socialize. Something just seems odd about doing that. Then again, it's definitely up to you. Just don't want to embarrass yourself in from of true believers.
I already told the ladies at Curves I wasn't religious, the one that mentioned that church didn't seem to mind @Cody Fousnaugh. I wouldn't lie and pretend though...I'd be honest. I'm sure they don't turn away honest people,searching for something...that would be very unchristian in my opinion.
Thing is, what you are searching for isn't religion and they could easily figure that out. One lady that goes there wouldn't be how the entire congregation might feel. But, go and see what happens.
Yes, I know Catholic Churches have changed somewhat but still are on the boring side....I did go to one here when I first moved here but didn't care for it. Yes, this will just be a starting point....I'll see if it's a good fit for me. It's not very big and seems friendly on their website, plus..I would at least now the person who recommended it. Who knows...I may find some solice in going to church...I'm not an atheist, just someone searching at this point in life. The Curves Luncheon is this Wednesday, I'm sure I'll meet some other ladies there. I go at 8:00 am so I always see the same ladies but I see that about 25-30 have signed up for the lunch.
Perhaps you could go to church with some of the ladies who already go. That would give you someone to introduce you into the congregation.