This has over the years developed into a hobby of sorts, searching out and exploring abandoned buildings, villages train stations, whatever man has made and left for nature to reclaim. My daughter Cathy and her partner Mike spend a lot of weekends looking for these places, which seem to exist wherever you care to look... Here are a few of Cathy and Mike's recent photos, a deserted railway complete with rusting wagons, and an old manor house.
I'd love to go exploring there, my kind of fun. Of course I'd be worried about tripping or something but still looks like fun.
Here are some photos that Cathy and Mike took earlier today in Brussels on their way to Amsterdam, it's an abandoned asylum:
@Terry Page The brickwork in the structural remains is exemplary! The brick used to form arches supporting the window openings; how I love such craftsmanship! Thank you! Frank
@Terry Page I suspect that access, even outdoors, to such places over here would be rigidly denied. How fortunate to be able to explore, study, and learn of things past that way! Frank
That is a hobby I would enjoy, if someone would drive me around to the places. I especially like old houses, and would love to go inside this one, in the daytime of course. The Harville House, in Statesboro, Georgia. Some visitors have claimed seeing blue light shining from windows, feeling someone blow hot air into their ears and finding doors only open to certain people. Original house from the other side.
If only walls could talk... How much we would learn about the goings on in these places. When I was very young my dad took us to an old house off a main road.Was two story and a side window was open with what looked to be half a curtain blowing out in the wind. Inside the house fully furnished all l personal belongings were there..including some not so tasty food items. Family bible, childs crutches over by was so awesome. My dad said the story was the man had been arrested for something and the family of five spilt up after that. That's all I remember him saying about the house. We were seeing the house in about 1955-56...the things in house had to be at least 30 years pryor to the 50s. That house has always stayed in my mind.
A couple of abandoned farms discovered earlier this year, they both had a collection of rusting cars, in various buildings and fields.