Back in my day, we were required to bring those pencil stubs to the supply room when we needed a new one. The supply room also suspended giving out certain supplies during the back to school rush and no scotch tape from Thanksgiving to Christmas.
I'm dense. Why no tape? We were never furnished supplies in school. But we got free butter/peanut butter/lettuce (with Miracle Whip ) sandwiches, and milk (2 cents) as snacks in elementary school. Can't remember what grade that stopped. Don't know if that was a State or Federal program.
In my day, females did not wear white after Labor Day...fear of being considered loose( such crap). You did as you were told, without reason,or suffer the consequences. You helped around the house inside or out - because you lived there, and out of respect. There were no allowances. Leather jackets worn, meant you were a hoodlum .. more crap. We all know, everything has changed since we were born, some good, many not so good.We grew up ruled by iron fist of parents, ignorant myths, too many rules, the list goes on. But what we did have more self respect, for ourselves and others...or so it appeared.
When I was a kid there was not all the warning labels on everything it just relied on common sense. I see a rail box car which came into Ford where I was working there on the door it said open door before unloading.