I have sent in the kit from Ancestry.com, and not recieved anything back yet, but I also did the one from 23 and me, I just got the results back from that one this morning. Mine show that I have just under 4% Neanderthal, and some ancient ancestry comes from Africa, but most of what I have is German and English. One of the interesting things that 23 and me does is show health markers, and they asked me bunches of health questions when I did that test. I still have to really look through everything and understand the results better, but I am finding it really interesting thus far. I wish that the different companies shared DNA results, so that if one person uses Ancestry, and another person uses 23 and me (or some other variant) then , the results would coordinate the data from both research bases. As it is, you would almost have to have your DNA sent to several of the main ones to find any unknown relatives. Mine is showing some people as 2-3-4 cousins, and it looks like I can choose to share information with those people if I want to do that. Robin has started a family tree from the Ancestry results, so this should add more people into the family line.
Now it shows 70 percent and 30 percent Irish and etc. The more people who send in dna the more of a match.
I've lost confidence in Ancestry.com's test results. I haven't bothered to look at mine but my wife's and my brother's test results have both changed drastically since they first came out with them, and that's on the same DNA sample.
Well dang...I do know Ancestry and the other two have undergone testing...and supposedly all three are legit with a minimum perectage rate of error.But I will keep my eyes on them.
What do you mean the test result changed, @Ken Anderson ? I can see how the recent information could change as more people are having their DNA checked. Someone that I am distantly related to will now see me as a possible relative because I have had my dna sample sent in, where before I would not have shown up as a match. I can’t see how the more ancient results would change though. If I am 4% Neanderthal, and 39% German, there is nothing that should change that background results. Has anyone else used 23 and me for testing ? I was really impressed with how much health information that they can provide. When I filled out the application and sent in the sample, they asked me bunches and bunches of family history and health information, and in my report, there is a section for information about both of those.
According to the notice that they sent everyone, they developed a new (more accurate, they say) method of calculating the DNA results. Both my brother's and my wife's results came out quite a bit different than the earlier results. Mostly the same nationalities but drastically different percentages, and some nationalities dropped off altogether.
I think my guess is as good as theirs. Y'all send me the money along with a sample of your spit and I'll tell you who your ancestors were.