I never said the reporter wasn't at fault, just that the president should take the high road and not get into a verbal altercation. Just stop talking, wait for the reporter to be taken out or the mike taken away...not that hard.
There are just people that can't avoid a "verbal altercation", whether it's the President or this reporter. Trump is not a "light-hearted" President. He was elected, in some ways, because he is "hard core" and doesn't back down. He did act like he was going to leave the room, when he backed away from the podium. At lease he didn't order the reporter to be ejected from the room, but perhaps he should have. There again, the people who voted for Trump wanted a tough President, then he gets ridiculed for being tough. He was in-charge of that televised meeting, not the reporter.
Believe me, I totally understand, but then again, you're not a loud person like he is...….right? Either people love what he says and the way he says it or hate it. Sometimes I think he has more people, including some that voted for him, that now hate it.
He is who he is, and I like it. I am tired of professional politicians who pay other people to do all their dirty work in secret.
Let's face it folks...no matter what Trump does or does not do....there are people out there who are going to do everything in their power to make him look bad...and a lot of these people are being paid by people behind the scenes to do this too. One of the best things about Trump to me is that he is the real thing...what you see is what you get...and that works just fine for me.
What happened is Trump once again refused to answer a legitimate question from a respected journalist, and then got pissed because the man demanded his 1rst amendment rights. Don't forget Trump is your employee,not your boss. His pet liar then came out with a fabricated tale of assault and actually attempted to pass off a manipulated video as gospel. When will these people understand that I will believe my lyin eyes long before I believe their blather. He has what over 7000 untrue statements and proclamations since he was inaugurated?
My inauguration was the biggest. Proven false "Every single Democrat in the U.S. Senate has signed up for the open borders, and it's a bill, it's called the ‘open borders bill.’" — Donald Trump on Saturday, October 6th, 2018 in a campaign rall We’re making (Medicare) stronger. We’re making Social Security stronger." — Donald Trump on Wednesday, September 5th, 2018 in an exchange with reporters "U.S. Steel just announced that they are building six new steel mills." — Donald Trump on Tuesday, July 31st, 2018 in rally in Tamp Wow, highest Poll Numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan." — PolitiFact National on Monday, July 30th, 2018
There is "substantial evidence of voter fraud." — Donald Trump on Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018 in a statement "Black homeownership just hit the highest level it has ever been in the history of our country." — Donald Trump on Friday, December 8th, 2017 in a rally in Pensacola, Fla. Says "No, I don't benefit, I don't benefit" from his tax proposal. — PolitiFact National on Thursday, September 28th, 2017 Says "No, I don't benefit, I don't benefit" from his tax proposal. — PolitiFact National on Thursday, September 28th, 2017
The NSA and FBI tell Congress that Russia did not influence electoral process." — Donald Trump on Monday, March 20th, 2017 i The murder rate in our country is the highest it’s been in 47 years." — Donald Trump on Tuesday, February 7th, 2017 in a meeting with sheriffs in the White House
So, show me where he lied? Your have only posted the works that were in progress and motions set forth by other companies. What were the poll numbers during Lincoln’s presidency and Reagan’s presidency? How were Acosta’s 1st amendment rights violated? Please do come up with the original tape of what happened between the intern and Acosta if what you say about the video being touched up is true. You entered with accusations so now it is in your court to prove it out so do it instead of making rhetorical comments that have no substance.
Says Hillary Clinton "wants to raise taxes on African-American owned businesses to as much as nearly 50 percent more than they're paying now." — Donald Trump on Thursday, August 25th, 2016 in a speech in Manchester, N The Trump Winery near Charlottesville, Va. is the "largest winery on the East Coast." — PolitiFact Virginia on Monday, March 21st, 2016 Shall I continue? Your denial of the truth is disingenuous
Oh yes @Peter Renfro, it appears that you survived your germ ladened trip just to come back here to troll a bit. Good for you!