Exatomundo Chrissy.... I like something much more simple like Cinnamon and raisin bread...but traditional heavy fruitcake...errrk, no thanks!!
You can always go for our traditional Christmas pudding, even stickier with lots of custard poured over it lol
Yes I like that we call it Bread and Butter pudding in the UK there is also a heavier bread pudding, my grandmother made both and as a child I preferred the bread pudding eaten cold, but as an adult I prefer the lighter warm bread and butter version Bread & Butter Pudding Bread Pudding
Lol, Holly....have you tried American Bread Pudding? I'm not big on desserts but I do like bread pudding. It's not sickeningly sweet.
You know me well! That's what I'll end up doing all the time....drooling for something, then having a sugar free popsicle...no wonder I'm freezing, I'm cooling myself from the inside.
No I never have Chrissy...but oddly I do love clootie dumpling which is a steamed Scottish fruit pudding..almost black laden with fruit, but it's more spicy than sweet, and you can slice it and fry it and serve it as a savoury dish as well as using it as a dessert with custard or cream.. Clootie dumpling at the front of the plate... sliced haggis behind it...black pudding to the right, and of course link sausgae next to it...this would be fried and served with eggs, bacon, and potato scones....heart attack on a plate, but deeeelicious... Clootie dumpling served as pudding with custard ( not fried)....
Yes, that looks like you need to take a cholesterol pill afterwards. Is black pudding like blood sausage?
It depends where it's made tbh... even here in the UK it tastes different in the North than it does in the south...but Scottish black pudding is best! In Spain it's called Morcilla ..and it's verrry fatty and greasy after it's been cooked even in a dry pan..