@Von Jones And I am now afraid I have "driven a wedge" and made you think i was criticizing you........actually, I was having a bit of fun with @Holly Saunders . Hope you didn't take offense! Frank
I live rural. The town road I live on is chip and seal, so it could not be swept. We could use a sweeping,because the Amish leave road apples the length of it. Amazing how much horses can crap. Went to town yesterday,coyote got hit was laying on the shoulder(verge?). Plenty around but really rare to see one road killed.
It's not the roads per se that get cleaned here..it's the verges... where the litter etc gathers again the kerbs,,, Leaves and mud after wind and rain leaves sludge on the road against the kerb, so the truck comes along and brushes it all up
Yes like that,but yours is much smoother straighter and maintained. Portions of state hiways are "adopted" by businesses and civic groups. Their members/volunteers have clean up days where they walk the roads and pick up litter. The state touches nothing unless it is a hazard to traffic. Several mile from me someone lost the cap for their pick up truck. Thing 8 feet long five feet wide and two tall laid on the shoulder for a couple of weeks. Someone,I imagine a motorist dragged it into the field along the road. Now it is the farmers problem. The state will get around to picking up deer carcasses if you bug them enough, however it is standard to see skeletal remains in the ditches when the snow melts each year.. Anything smaller that a deer get disposed of by being ground into the pavement by traffic,of crows and buzzards playing dodge the truck,grabbing a morsel when they can.
WoW!! all our roads are maintained by the Highways department if it's a public road... there's no way anything like you describe would be left on a road for someone else to clear up..it would be removed within hours if not shorter... . even the road kill gets cleared up soon after it's become toast...
Maybe that is why your road looks better. In New York we have State Hiways, maintained by the state. Main roads between towns County Roads Main roads maintained by the county. Usually good roads direct from one point to another Town Roads Maintained by the Township. Condition depends on the town tax base, skill of the elected Highway Commissioner. We have a fair amount of Federal Forest roads in my town that the town is obligated to do minimum maintenance to. The reimbursement doesn't come close to covering expenses. I don't mind the bad roads, if the town was better and more populated I wouldn't be able to shoot,run noisy equipment when I want to, have bonfires,and generally act up. I have more freedom living in the butt end of the county!