It's all a matter of how open your eyes are. For many it's party driven rather than fact driven. Look at what is happening and what has happened as well as what was done TO - not for - this country .
Actually, I have just been too busy to pay close attention and didn't notice. Nevertheless, the facts are that Obama was the worst president ever, the only question being whether people are smart enough to recognize that.
@Don Alaska IMO, the American voter before last election had finally become so grossly disgusted with the Washington status quo, they felt compelled Hillary would just continue the usual course, while Trump offered as a non-politician words encouraging......but look at the man? Would he have won had any other, well-respected and well-known individual been running? My guess is no. His attitude is outwardly atrocious. Perhaps that's necessary in non-status quo Washington. Do I like him? Hell, no. Do I agree with his work? Some, but not all of it. Do I think America is "stronger" now because of him? No. America heals itself. Frank
I do believe that D. Trump would not have even run had the political climate in the U.S been a bit better.
I agree, @Bobby Cole. My opinion is that he saw the slide into oblivion that was the Obama years and knew it would continue or worsen under Hillary. I may be mistaken, but that is how it appears to me.
I also agree, @Bobby Cole & @Don Alaska . Oprah asked him years ago if he would ever consider running for president. He told her that he would only as a last resort if this country was in bad enough shape.
A positive for Obama was shutting up Joe Biden. My favorite Bidenism " "Stand up, Chuck, let 'em see ya." –-Joe Biden, to Missouri state Sen. Chuck Graham, who is in a wheelchair, Columbia, Missouri, Sept. 12, 2008" Negatives are quite a few. Googling can be a good source to find everything from fast & furious, health care disaster to trading 5 gitmo detainees for an american deserter that cost the lives of men in his military unit. Trump's failures after he leaves office will be documented as well. I think AFTER LEAVING OFFICE is an important distinction. Trump's demeanor [crass] quite a few and not acceptable are a negative. Those instances will most likely be noted in compiling the history of his presidency. Overall Trump's legacy IMO will be far better than his predecessor
Interesting this thread was Obama was a worst president but tried to claim that the president who stopped a possible world war. Made NATO a more responsible group. Lowered the unemployment to all-time lows. Brought back factories that Obama said you would need a magic wand to do. Raised the wages of Americans. Lowered taxes on the people. Got rid of restrictions on small business. Doing his best to make American safe. Obama was the cause of all the things Trump has been correcting.
As I said above, I think history will eventually judge Clinton as the worst President, but only time will tell. Obama made medical insurance premiums lower but with deductibles that made them impossible for many to use (although I actually hold Congress responsible for this more than Obama). His real failings were in foreign policy, which was incredibly bad. Both Clinton and Kerry were terrible Secretaries of State, and pushed policies that made no sense and led to many of the problems we are dealing with now. Of course, he was left with the Bush invasion of Iraq which was a terrible blunder.
has done in his administration. This is the oil spill issue.
You say that as if it were a bad thing. If we could erase the eight years of Obama entirely, the country would be in a better place today.