I must be a hogglet....no way I could survive on skimpy little calories. I have cut way down...trying to stay under 1450.
I couldn't do it if I included many simple carbs and fruit. I've pretty much cut those out, and doing protein, fat, complex carbs, and vegetables. I don't mind that kind of food. Any diet that includes a lot of sugar (fruit) or flour doesn't work well for me at all.
I eat veggies as a have to thing- however most come inform of a salad in different forms. I have just about stopped sweets al together. I still like my Blue Bell on ocassion. If any diet elminates my life long food group... I dont do it. Bread Booze. Beans and taters !! Do not drink much anymore any way...beans I love but do get to me now...but I still eat them Taters
@Nancy Hart How I envy people like you! Self-disciplined and astute; my own weight, seemingly remaining constant, is the same as when I was 20, but my belly is the biggest it's ever been! I hate it! Frank
@Gloria Mitchell When we hit one of these wonderful (?) buffets, I figger I clear 3 to 4 THOUSAND calories in that one sitting! My Mother always preached that when one loses their appetite for extended periods, they are experiencing ill-health of some type. Frank
29Jun19 Saturday, go to market day. I don't have anything to sell or barter, so up early, I jumped on the scales. My eyes almost poped out of their sockets. No, no way am I going to except that much weight. I went back to bed. At seven I got up again.. I did the dishes, I read the news. I continiued work on a short story. Finally, I stepped on the scales again. Bury me not on the lone prairie. Weight: 175.8 Blood Sugar: 141
I really didn't want to give up any food. I mean when I went to the grocers last week, I bought three loaves of bread. A regular 70 Cal white bread, then a loaf of sourdough, and some 22 grain of wheat and seeded bread. Now I know I can't do that any more, I've got to quit most of that bread. I'm going to have to quit pancakes. That's all my wife eats for breakfast and i sometimes do because it makes breakfast easier to fix. But this pure maple syrup was killling me both calorywise and my blood sugar. My main staple its Malt-O-Meal, with a pat of butter and bit of half and half on it. I do use stevia. Now then, I have cut down on strawberry ice cream. I mean I haven't had any in ten days or so. I have always had a desert after lunch and dinner if eating at home and that's about the only place I eat, and I have been mostly eating fruit, sliced peaches, strawberries cut up, with a little stevia on tho and thrown in the frig over night then served with a half&half topping. I'm even eating frozen grapes. I'm snacking on olives and grapes. What's a man to do who is told to eat five or six times a day for diabetes and to be sure to control my blood sugar. As soon as I get those groceries I bought eat up, including that jug of whole chocolate milk, and boloney and sliced cheses, I'm going to do better. You just wait and see. Over & out.
I love potatoes! Can't think of a way I don't like them. Potatoes will never be cut out of my food. I can take or leave ice cream, until I taste it. Then it's game over. Especially chocolate.
Frank, I envy people (like you) who seem to have an internal calorie counter that lets them never go over, at least not on average.
@Nancy Hart Are you untroubled by the caffeine? My wife cannot fall asleep at 11PM if she had the least bit of caffeine around noon. Especially chocolate! Frank
@Nancy Hart Yeah, but see, my internal regulator consists of a gut-feel for how much and what I have eaten during say, the previous day, and I skimp on food for a day or two. Not healthy eating, but seem unable to resist these wonderful buffets! Frank
Ahh... so that's the secret. Just eat 3 meals.. See, if you snack all day long, you never feel stuffed. My grandmother called snacking "piecing." I never heard that before or after.