The bottom line is... If Bill wants to give it a try, there is a group of people on here that will advise him, guide him, help him, and encourage him... He is definitely NOT alone trying to lose a few pounds.. We all are trying, and most of us are succeeding, ........ slowly.. Either he goes on low carb or low calories.. Not both for sure.. Either way, we will guide him all the way..... First of all, he has to want to do something...
@Steve North, I appreciate your offer to help and you are right about leading a horse to water but can't make him drink. That's probably a good analogy. I have avoided carb diets in the past; I hope to continue that practice. I guess I want to do it my way. I want to lose eleven (11) pounds which will take me down to 170.0. I will count calories. I'm starting again this morning weighing in at 181.0 pounds. This is like picking cotton or pulling boils where it is said, "I'll meet you at the scales."
Good luck bill.. Please remember we are here for you.. anytime you need guidance, advice, help, or encouragement.. we are for you... Just remember that you didn't gain that weight overnight so don't expect to lose it overnight... slowly is the best way... One more advice I would like to give you..... DRINK LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF PLAIN WATER DAILY AND EVERY DAY..... That will help you lose weight...
Bill... how are you doing ?? We need some sort of feedback from you as far as how your diet is going.. how many calories ?? What are you eating ?? Have you started ??? c'mon..... let us know...
Well, now, let's see. I haven't exactly counted calories. Sort of guesstimated at about five hundred a meal. Recorded weight as follows. Date Weight 8-22 181.0 8-23 Did Not Weigh 8-24 179.6 8-25 Did Not Weigh 8-26 178.4 8-27 177.6 8-28 177.2 8-29 177.0 That's about it at the moment.
Bill.......... ITS LOOKING VERY GOOD............... you are losing slowly which is good.. WONDERFUL ...
Still holding steady even after losing a battle with a carton of chocolate flavored frozen yogurt. Just a measly 7 pounds has made a difference. I can tell mowing the lawn in the heat. Would still like to drop 2 more pounds. Fixin' to put on another big pot of pinto beans, and try not to forget they are on the stove. I wish they made a stove with a timer on at least one of the top burners, like the toaster ovens have.
I do that, when I remember to. Problem is, if I'm doing something I can't drop instantly when the timer on the phone rings, I forget that it rang.
Well, you might invest in an Instant Pot. It cooks beans (and other things) under pressure and has an electronic timer. Shuts down when the time is up.
Nice going, Bill. Crossed another thing off my bucket list last night---first mango ever, for $0.99. Two hundred calories. If you got too close to the center it was sour as lemons. Then I read the skin has the same chemical as poison ivy. Won't be trying another. I'd rather have a good ripe cantaloupe. Calories yesterday: 1010. A couple of hours working outside in the heat again, so morning weight was down a little, 126.0.
@Nancy Hart First Mango ever?? Those things are among the sweetest, most luscious-tasting tropical fruits. Are you sure it was a Mango? Papayas are similarly-shaped, but usually somewhat bigger, tasting much less sweet, to me. I have never eaten a distasteful Mango as you describe. Mangoes have a huge nut in them, the meat being more stringy where it's hooked onto it. My impression of the taste is sorta like a mix of nectarine and apricot, but hard to really describe. Frank