I learnt last night - after I logged off, that Parliament is almost full of traitors to the people They are 'self serving' - hang on - so what's new ……… I've learnt nothing
I have laughed so hard over this info... i tried too copy and use here but couldn't. Young boy two lizrads Bert and Ernie. But Bert is looking sick and appears to be giving birth. Dad hauls everyone to the Vets office to have Bert looked at. One look and vet pulls parents . Um afarid Bert is not giving birth and never will. Why they ask. Because Bert is a male and um he is well hes masturbating! After I stopped laughing so hard i realize I learned something new again today...don't be a lizard owner.....
Ah, I guess I learned today that they have pills to do the “job”. That said, when I am downing my large glasses of the abominable liquid evil from Hell, I simply remember my earlier days when slugging a shot of Jack was equally distasteful but somehow considered manly. So now it’s, “be a man and down the hatch” and never take the time to say excuse me when it is time to go for those “runs” to the donniker. (Do pardon the pun)
Well I like hats - and I saw one mentioned in me favourites bar, clicked on it and a hat on Amazon came up I sat there in disbelief looking at this lovely hat and thinking, I've got that hat …. I toddles off to the bedroom thinking, where is it … well I found it, haven't worn it for a year but will be donning it again Its me favourite hat ! So, what did I learn, me memory ain't what it was but at least it clicked in before I bought a replica
I learned my 15 month old grandson named me GA. A thrill! He's been calling me this for a bit, but I never heard it so clearly as I did today.
I'm so " Excited " Check this out " I learned how to download today and submitted to my avatar..... first time ever......