You're reminding me of my mother who always said there are 2 things you know will happen for sure Death & Taxes.
I feel that it's JUST NOT RIGHT that you should have to PAY someone for living in your own Home! A Home should belong entirely to those who dwell in it, and if it doesn't, then work hard toward owning it! We did, both of my wives and I, and it was worth it in the sense of fulfillment and greater economic security! Harry
@Hal Pollner No matter what you, or any of us feel, or claim, NONE own their own home, getaway, slice of desolate property on which to squat. If you doubt my words, try not paying your property taxes for awhile: soon enough the MAN will prove who really owns your property, by taking it away from you! Frank
I received a letter today that my rent will increase by 3 % effective December 1,2019. It's a reasonable increase and I expected it.
Nope; no renting. We paid off our mortgage about 10 years ago, but we do have property tax increases some years.
My total rent including Care Fees Guest Meals & Tray Service was actually $ 6,000.00 plus per month. My insurance will pick up more than half of that.
Having rented for most of my life, I am so glad not to be renting. Having a mortgage, of course, is pretty much the same thing, except that you have to do the repairs too. I am glad to not have a mortgage.
All apartments we've lived in, we've got a rent increase at either the end or the beginning of each year, that was around $20 per month increase. My wife hates it, but it just comes with renting. At least, in renting, we don't have property taxes and anything mechanical breaks in the apartment, it's either fixed or replaced at no cost to us. Our last apartment, in Florida, we got a new AC outside unit, new water heater, new inside heater, new clothes washer and new smoke/oxygen detectors. There is both good and bad about renting and buying/owning a home.
I can't think of one single thing that is bad about owning a home. I have owned several in the U.S. and New Zealand and made a substantial profit with each one when sold. What do you ever get back after renting? RECEIPTS!!!
No rent, no mortgage. Couldn't afford any increase. But there's an increase in property tax in the pipeline. Hope it won't be too substantial.
I rent for a number of reasons. I don't know how to fix anything, my daughter lives across the street, but the main reason is this will not be my final retirement home. I will have to move when the time comes one or both of my parents need me. After all that, I'll make a permanent decision. My rent has never increased and I've been here 3 years. I really do like it and have a stellar landlord.