I sure have become more impatient and maybe that is why time seems to drag for me. Meals take to long to arrive, shows to slow to begin, games to slow to be over,mail to slow to arrive.
Per topic--Nope never have been just life to me not much bothers me, some years back I eliminated all I could that were irritating: people, places and things and never looked back, admit it was hard but had to do it, so much better now for it. I avoid those who complain constantly, they just drag others down to their levels.
Impatience with age makes sense because we can't depend on having another fifty years to resolve things. Since Cody mentions driving, I was more impatient, as a driver, when I was in my 20s than I am now, although unnecessary slowness, braking, or variations in speed are still irritating. While I generally drive a few miles over the speed limit, I can tolerate the speed limit if we could stay at a steady rate of speed.
We have several parts of US route 1 that have 2 travel lanes and one in the middle for making turns. Other than using it for turning you're not supposed to be in that lane. However if someone in front of me doesn't at least go the speed limit, I'm going to pass them. A couple of years ago I did pass a car and as I was getting back in line a police car came from the other direction. When we passed each other I could see that he'd turned on his blue lights and was beginning to run around. I pulled over and waited for him. When he arrived at my window he asked if I knew what I has done wrong. I explained that the car I'd passed was going no where near the speed limit. He immediately passed that and said that he was citing driving to endanger as it had been snowing. When I suggested that there was only snow on the grass and none anywhere near the road he decided to give me a warning. So yes I have times when I'm impatient.
My impatience has caused no end of Problems for me throughout my life.... ..I'm slightly more patient these days than I've ever been but not much!! My husband OTOH is so laid back he's almost horizontal...and he absolutely refuses to be hurried by me, even when we're late for an important appt...
I really like this statement. I could do a whole piece of art on that thought......and may. Reminds me of the Christian saying "God is never late, but rarely early," It's not really Biblical, but it seems to hold true. I have learned that after I ask Him for something, I can do a great deal of waiting. Being impatient is bad for my health and steals my peace. So, the older I get, the better I get at being patient.
Guilty as charged. My impatience has been a first nature for me. My younger years, my thought was always do things in a timely speed...fast...not in driving, or that kind of things. I was like....why take 4 hours, when i can do something in 2 hours. I have moments of that still, but not near as often. I learned, all it causes is unwanted stress, self inflicted. There still are things that still annoy me...waiting far too long for a meal in a restaurant, waiting for an oil change which they say only takes 45 minutes, but you're there waiting for 2 hours, waiting on someone who's really late for no reason. I may have learned a different kind of patience when i added my Corgi to my family, i knew she was going to be a challenge to start with, anyway her train of thought consists of......she will come when she's called, when she gets there....she will do what i asked, after she's thought about for a while. Maybe she's taught me how to be more patient... like i had a choice. . Was taught " Patience is a Blessing "
Patience is a virtue, catch it if you can. Guess I'm not a very virtuous person. I always want things done yesterday.