Our friend's pub...all ready for Christmas.. he did all the decorations himself.. and it's a big place....
The last picture I took with my phone was my blurry feet and some carpet. I don't know how I manage to take "inadvertent" photos.
Are you able to instantly transfer those fone pics to here or do you have to firstly transfer them to your computer? I have to do the latter and it is a fiddly process. I am getting a newer IPhone shortly tho so that may provide an easier transfer process. @Holly Saunders
I like taking pictures with my iPhone because it is small and easy to use, but since I have an ipad, all of the pictures are automatically on all of my Apple devices right away. I use the large iPad with the keyboard for the forum because I do a lot of typing, so I just upload the picture from the ipad. I do not have to do any transferring because the phone and tablet do it automatically. The last picture I took with the phone was when I was in Washington, and it is of Lake Steilacoom where we were staying at the Airbnb there.
I use a transfer cable to upload pictures from my tablet and phone to my p.c. Maybe you could try that, Don. They aren't expensive.
My phone automatically transfers my pics to my computer, without any input from me IYSWIM ...and then from the folder they go to I upload them to here.. probably because I'm using an Iphone and transferring to a MAC... ....with my camera i transfer my pis to here using a sim card reader