@Hal Pollner I like your current avatar, but the picture you posted in the hat looks quite handsome as well.
Thank you, Lady Bess! The HUAC (House Unamerican Activities Committee) will never investigate this gentleman! Hal
What? You do not like this picture of me? Now my feelings are so badly hurt I may never fly over your house again.
Well Hal, mine is from a 2018 photo of me minus glasses, overlayed with one of my Great Great Grandmother, a Chickasaw, from maybe 1850. Since our facial features are almost identical it looks very much like me. I am not sure if this meets your demands. You do look a bit like the Indian Cheif. Do you know who he is? Let's do some photo forensics overlay testing with the notable Ms. Faye Fox lead detective and photo overlay forensics specialist.
All you need is a photo program that has overlay capabilities. You size the overlay photo so the features are as close as they can be and then adjust the transparency of the overlay for the best look. I like to have both photos the same shade and face must be close to the same angle. I use a program that a friend made for me to simplify the process. Photoshop is too in-depth for me.