Never I was first. Seems we have an impasse as we both know the answer. How about we both delete and you post another.
Shirley Martin said: ↑ oooookay…. if you insist. He wouldn't stop talking about how fast his car would go because he was a... roomohutt two words @Thomas Stearn.. can you answer this one. It is a slang expression. You have heard it I am sure.
I'll do one while we wait. The deer had a new baby so they loved to three words: F O R E V E R H A W N
meanwhile back at the ranch: The Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest of its kind, thanks to its...... FOGGANNSLLPIE 3 words.
Yes North Carolina country girls work hard and need their sleep. Clue @Thomas Stearn and others playing.. the key word is "old"
I'm not making it look hard, it is hard.... @Shirley Martin Why don't you play here before you are tired?
bumping. The Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest of its kind, thanks to its...... FOGGANNSLLPIE 3 words. Thomas is stuck. the key word is "old"