Jan. 17, 2020 as evening approaches Despite hours of grueling interrogation He refuses to confess to midnight ragtime. I must call my deputy from the cornfield.
Jan. 18, 2020 12:01 AM Mountain Standard Time I hate these early morning mountain hikes but I must arrest our Mayor Mr. Choo Choo. Posing on the mountain top where the floozies in other towns can see our guys is strictly forbidden. It is a high crime and it makes our misses de meaner.
Jan. 18, 2020 High Noon Overcast Day Faeville Sheriff Faye takes a stance with a ray of sunlight warmly illuminating her face. Jill Rabbit grooms herself nonchalantly. Eagle swoops down shrieking the location of the foolish indecisive rifleman as his partner rides full speed out of Faeville. Faye's quick limber fingers twitch, readied, should the rifleman make the wrong decision. Apparitions in Faeville are real living people that have the ability to magically appear in Faeville as apparitions. Even the sheriff has this magic but uses it with the utmost discretion.
Of course! FInd a photo of an old saloon girl that looks like you and post it. I will fix it up suitable for Faeville.
Faeville needs a town drunk and a village idiot to be complete. I'm not applying for either position by the way.