When I try to complete a registration of any kind I can successfully enter most of the required info like email, password, age, sex. BUT as soon as I start to type in a NAME the whole page dissapears. This has been driving me nuts and no one around here can figure out the prombem. I have made mouse adjustments, changed browsers all to no avail.
Is this happening on all websites or just that one? I see that particular form is asking for your EMAIL address, not your name. Which browser are you using? Have you tried restarting your computer?
Are you trying to create a forum on Proboards, or just join one of the forums that they have in their list of forums ? It looks like you are trying to log in to proboards itself, and when I looked at their website, each forum there has its own registration/login at the forum itself.
Is that all sites or just one in particular. I have noticed that some sites, based on having worked with computers since 1959, are very poorly written and go off for a few seconds before responding. My new health care site is a business that's been around for eons and their IT people are horrible in the way they designed the system and the way they get from A to B.
No I am not trying to create a Forum and I am not trying to log into proboards. My problem occurs with any registration required at the website of a bank, store,different forums etc.
I'm strictly low tech, Lon, but do you by any chance have your cap locks on? Some times Bubba turns them on on my computer and that happens when I try to fill out passwords.
I do not want to use Pay Pal. I pay bills on line with my Charles Schwab account. Solve the problem and I pay. NO PROBLEM
Hmmmm... sounds like you're looking for someone to remote into your system to do all the grunt work. That ain't worth a fiddy to me.
No --Not looking for someone to access my system. A suggestion that works would be good.My computer works fine except for this one problem.
@Lon Tanner have you checked out @Beth Gallagher's questions? I would asked the same. Also how long has this been happening? It sounds like a key that you are using is deleting your page.