Their age definitely serves as a kind of rangefinder the world over. Yesterday our 64 year old would-be Prime Minister after Ms Merkel snubbed critics who'd told him that he'd be too old to be the next Chancellor by referring to Sanders: "When I switch on my TV in the evening I see that America's youth is lying at Bernie Sander's feet. Sanders is 14 years and one heart attack older than I."
I like them all, some less than others. i’m beginning to like Trump. may the best man win; a gal has no chance. Our early voting starts tomorrow for the Primary and will be the second time I will not vote in one. Nor am I planning on voting in the general election. My voting days have passed.
It is a bit disconcerting that the presidential front-runners are far beyond typical retirement age. As I've said before, Biden seems more frail, confused and uncertain with each passing day. If by some chance he gets the nomination his VP choice will be critical.